Pokemon Story 50: The Fall of Pokemon Robots

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All the Officer Jennies gathered at a stage together just to announce the BAN of Pokemon Robots. The Kanto Jenny came forward. 'From today, we, the Pokemon Police, also known as the Jenny Sisters BAN the pokemon robots!' she began 'Anyone who will be caught with a Pokemon robot will be sent to jail... be it using it in a battle, trading them or doing anything else with them... and we will try our best to destroy all of the remaining pokemon robots in this Pokemon world because it is true that, as a matter of fact, all of them are still not dead because of how many they are... But we will try our best to stop them all! And the Pokemon World might face many more problems like this... but there will always be someone who will protect us from this danger... Just like when Team Empire and The Mastermind tried to destroy all pokemons of this world Red and Misty saved us this time when Dark Arceus and Roboto tried to destroy this world with their evil robot pokemons our Peacekeeper, Rayquaza saved us and proved us that he is even better than Arceus himself at taking care of this world and will surely come when the danger is lurking around! That... is the end of my speech and I thank all my sisters for trying to keep this Pokemon world safe!' From that time, peace remained in the as the Jenny Sisters really destroyed all the robot pokemons that were still remaining and spreading terror.... This was truly the fall of the robot pokemons... Red often remembered his journeys and friends.... His journey to catch all the pokemons... His journey to defeat Team Empire... and finally, his journey to defeat Roboto... Blue, Gold, Serena, Alain, Tracey and Misty... He remembered them all... Some sacrifices had to be made but at the end... This remained that same Peaceful Pokemon World ....  

Pokemon: The Pokemon Robot InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now