// Chapter Nine

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A voice rung in Dawnpaw's ears. She blinked open her eyelids, gaping her jaws in a yawn. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Quarterstone!" a voice announced. Dawnpaw recognized the voice as her leader, Lakestar. He stood on the Quarterstone, the early dawn light shining on his pelt.

She stretched out her legs, lifting up her head to glance outside. She saw many cats had frightened expressions pasted on their faces. What's going on? She emerged out of the apprentices' den, a large structure with a stone half on one side and a half with logs and undergrowth.

A wave of shock splashed over Dawnpaw as she saw her sister, Yarrowpaw. Yarrowpaw had fresh wounds chiseled over her body with a bitter poultice stuck on them. There was an especially nasty wound Dawnpaw caught on Yarrowpaw's chest.

Dawnpaw felt her mother's scent waft into her nose and immediately surveyed her with questions. "What happened to Yarrowpaw? Is she okay? Did the medicine cat tend to her wounds?"

Rosefern glanced down at her daughter, blinking in realization at who it was. "Apparently, rogues had attacked the camp," Rosefern meowed, her tone threaded with concern. "Yarrowpaw was the first victim. Thank StarClan none of the wounds were infected. I'm still worried, though.."

Dawnpaw's eyes reflected in fear. Rogues? Attacking ThunderClan? She was about to ask her mother more questions, before Lakestar's call echoed around camp once again. Hazelpaw, Silverpaw, and Duskpaw were arranged towards the back of the cluster of cats, Sunflower emerged out of the warriors' den along with Sleekfur and Toadpuddle, and Eaglecloud was the last to arrive.

Dawnpaw darted over towards Yarrowpaw, her eyes gleaming with concern. "Are you okay?" she whispered.

"Still stings," Yarrowpaw meowed through clenched teeth. "But I'm alright."

Dawnpaw fixed her gaze on the faded ginger she-cat. She was about to ask her more questions, but Lakestar had started to speak. I want to become a great warrior. But it is much more dangerous than I ever imagined as a kit.

"Rogues are in the forest," Lakestar alerted the Clan hastily. "They have attacked. We must defeat them and defend ourselves."

Alarmed and anxious meows rung in Dawnpaw's ears. I hope my Clanmates will be able to defeat the rogues. I feel bad I probably won't be able to help. Lakestar apprenticed me to Wolfspirit only a few sunrises ago.

"How many were there?" Thornbranch asked anxiously.

"Two," Lakestar responded. "We should be able to fend them off." Dawnpaw glanced over to Yarrowpaw once again. Two rogues did that much damage?

ThunderClan cats exchanged anxious glimpses, Dawnpaw among them. Lakestar twitched his tail around, examining the cats around the clearing. "Sootbreeze, Sleekfur, and Volefoot," Lakestar declared. "You will drive away the rogues." You aren't even going to help?

The designated warriors were nudged out of the crowd. Their expressions were reluctant and fearful. Dawnpaw gulped. She had never been so intimidated by her leader. Life as an apprentice is so much different than being a kit.


Yarrowpaw was sunning herself in the dawning clearing. Dawnpaw wanted to stroll over to join her sister, but anticipation held her down. Where are the warriors? She expanded her pupils and glanced around, searching for any sign of the ThunderClanners. But there was no sign of them.

Owlpaw and Pricklepaw were tumbling over each other in a pretend battle while Silverpaw and Duskpaw were having a climbing competition on the nursery. Dawnpaw spotted Sunflower, their mother, stomping over in an angry pursuit. "Duskpaw and Silverpaw!" Sunflower scolded. "You are apprentices, not kits. Get down from there."

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