// Chapter Twenty One

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The sound of the fray rung in his ears. His reality circled around, blurred by a smog-like haze. His strength was so little he could hardly process any thought. Pain swept down his back like the talon of an eagle had struck it. His blood dampened the ground, and his breathing grew labored. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the visions and audio of the forest around him.

"Silverpaw!" a voice hollered through the defiant hisses and spits of clashing warriors. "Silverpaw!" the voice repeated.

Memories started flooding back into Silverpaw's head. First the battle where Dawnpaw was killed; and then he remembered the attack Yarrowpaw had started. Realization swept through his mind, backed up by rage and determination. I can't let her destroy us.

A weary, panting warrior limped over towards the limp silver tabby. As he grew closer, Silverpaw immediately recognized his scent. D-Duskpaw..

"Are you okay?" Duskpaw gasped, sitting down and arranging next to Silverpaw, his optics glistening with concern.

Silverpaw carefully peered open his eyes. Duskpaw pressed on his body, searching for any wounded spots or broken bones. His breathing softened, and he seemed to flood with relief. Silverpaw lifted his gaze and rested it onto Duskpaw.

"How long was I unconscious?" Silverpaw asked, his voice shaky and still shocked.

"Not long," Duskpaw answered reassuringly, assisting Silverpaw onto his paws. "Thank StarClan you didn't break any bones.."

Silverpaw nodded, gathering himself onto four paws. Not every cat is so lucky. He froze with horror. Sunflower, with agony in her eyes, drug Thornbranch across the clearing. Claw marks were chiseled all over his body, layered with blood. The crimson liquid welled at his throat, marking the death blow. Silverpaw's fur bristled and his tongue went bitter. H-how dare Yarrowpaw? She's betraying the cats she knew and loved her whole life!

Some cats were too distracted to even take one shocked look at the grey and brown tabby tom as they fought the brutal rogues. Silverpaw went stiff again as he noticed two rogues, one a ginger tabby and a brown tabby fighting at the nursery to reach Tanglefrost and her litter of kits, Snakekit, Beetlekit, Batkit, and Aspenkit. Despite Tanglefrost being deputy, she had given her role of assigning patrols to Volefoot. Silverpaw bolted over, fuming with rage.

Silverpaw lunged for the ginger tabby she-cat, fastening his jaws hard on her neck. The she-cat stammered back, dragging her claws across his flank. She knocked Silverpaw off of his paws, causing him a small mrrow of surprise. She used the same ruthless move she had dealt to Duskpaw as she flipped the silver tabby over.

But Silverpaw was prepared. He blocked the she-cat's next blow, dipping under her side and slicing her belly. The ginger tabby stifled a small howl of pain, gripping Silverpaw by the scruff. She shook him around like crow-food. Silverpaw wriggled around, eventually slashing the she-cat's nose. He was able to escape, crashing against the ground and scrambling onto four paws.

The tabby had bounded towards the nursery, shoving past Tanglefrost. Eaglecloud gripped the brown tom's head, hurling him over to crash into the she-cat. Silverpaw pelted over to Tanglefrost; his eyes gleaming with dread.

Tanglefrost was limp, her breathing shallow and fur matted and laced with blood. She glanced at Silverpaw with great wisdom, as if she already knew she was on her way to StarClan. No! W-we can't lose you!

"Tanglefrost.." Silverpaw squeaked. "Please.." he continued, not being able to finish his sentence, the words getting caught in his throat. Tanglefrost lifted her twinkling gaze. You're dying! How can you be so excited? Y-you won't be able to see your kits! You-

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