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After a short while, you opened your eyes. Shoot! How long were you out? You glanced over, gazing at Sunstone quietly, and then moving your eyes to Jig, both of which were still snoozing.

Yep, still there. Panic over. Now, let's see if anything changed..

You looked in front of you. The dancing things were still being as mesmerizing as usual, and that inviting smaller room was still there. You wondered if the blue guy from earlier....was his name Rouxls? was there, too. You sat up, stretching and tapping your pals. When neither of them seemed to want to move, you quickly put Jig in your jacket pocket and you cradled Sunstone in your arms. Maybe the puzzle guy would take pity on you and shut the hell up for once.

After pirouette-ing around with the dancers, wincing as you did so due to your ankle setting off, you made it to the puzzle room. Seeing the familiar cherry-colored carpet made you want to sit there, but deep down you knew that it was a ruse and that a "puzzle" would appear there.


Oh god, not right now. Quickly, you dashed up to him.

"WRO-" Rouxls called, teleporting in to the room.

"Wha- what is thoust doing?" he asked, looking confused as you pressed your finger to his lips.

"Please, shut up," you said, pulling your hand away to point at your sleeping friends. The man seemed confused. "Why are thou lugging thoust unconscious worms? Is thou planning to weasel out of mine puzzle?" 

"No, I'm just looking for a place to nap with them that's not in the open, puzzle man," you replied, exasperated. He seemed just a little bit flustered at that nickname, but you decided to ignore it.

"Well, I can provide thou worms a place to rest, only if you solve my ULTIMATE PUZZLE!" Rouxls said, pointing at the newfound "puzzle" behind you. You solved it, just as easily as the last one, and you could tell the Rouxls felt offended over it. "Ah...Hah ha ha!!!" he laughed, stirring something strange in your chest, right around your lungs. You ignored that, too. 

"Well....as promised, thou may stay one night at mine humble abode,"  he said, seemigly embarrassed at the fact that his puzzle was solved so easily. 

"Thanks, Rouxls," you said, letting your grip on Jig and Sunstone loosen. "Now, can you lead the way?" you asked. What am I, a genius that knows where everything is? you thought to yourself. 

"Right this way," he said, grabbing your arm. At first you were confused, but then the man teleported you and your friends into a small shop. 

"Thanks!" you said, detaching your arm from his. 

"Any time, worm," he replied.

The scenery was amazing as far as you were concerned, and a small tune was playing from two speakers. The tune seemed to have woke Sunstone up, who promptly yawned as loud as possible. Rouxls seemed to jump at the sudden noise, turning back to you. 

"Worm, what was that?" he asked, approaching cautiously. Sunstone's eyes popped open, and he jumped off your shoulders.  

"What the he- Y/N?! Is this the guy from earlier?!" Sunstone demanded, pulling out his mandarin-colored pocket knife. 

"Yes, Sun'. Now put the knife back and chill," you said, grabbing his gloved hand. He sighed and put the weapon away. "Alright, but that doesn't mean I'm not suspicious."

"Worm! Why does thoust ally wield a weapon!" Rouxls demanded, holding a bottle of worms protectively. You looked at him like he was dumb. To your credit, he was. Just a little.

"Why wouldn't he? Do I need to tell you how many monsters we've had to fight in this castle alone?" you asked, letting go of Sunstone's hand and pulling Jig out of your jacket. You wrapped her up in a scarf that was in the back. She seemed to wake up after that, but she just smiled at you. 

"Morning Y/N! Did I nap too long?" Jig asked, glancing around sheepishly. "No," you replied, sitting on your knees and patting her on the head. You caught Sunstone talking to Rouxls out of the corner of your eye, and you smiled a little at that. Good to know they were getting along well.

"Where are we?" Jig asked, tying the scarf around her neck. 

"This guy Rouxls is letting us stay at his place," you explained. Seeing her confused face, you elaborated, "The puzzle guy, you remember?" 

Jig suddenly understood. "Oh, him? That was very nice. I have to thank him sometime." You chuckled. Jig was such a sweetheart. Ever since you met her, she wanted to be your friend, and through some convincing, Sunstone eventually came around, too. And now here you three were, in a stranger's house, completely relaxed. Well, not completely, but very close. 

Suddenly, as you were getting up, your ankle seemed to go in the wrong direction again and you fell on the floor. Jig jumped up and started to wrap her scarf around your leg. It stung, but you understood that she didn't intend to hurt you. Apparently, your scene had attracted two certain someones' attention.  

"Worm! Are you alright?" Rouxls asked, looking at you laying on the floor. "I'm fine," you said, sitting up quickly. Your ankle hurt, but not as bad as yesterday. "Just my ankle here."

"Worm, hold on. I haveth something that may help," the tall, blue man said, rummaging through his items for a bottle of what looked like noodles and sauce. "Here, have at thee," he said, handing you the bottle. 

You took a sip, and your ankle started to feel better near instantly. Strange, but it made you feel 1000x better. "Thanks, puzzle duke," you said, flashing a smile. He flushed a slight neon blue at this, smiling back. "No problem, worm," he said, sitting down next to you. You decided to ignore the way it felt like feathers were spreading in between your lungs, and ask yourself about it later. 

Sunstone scooted up to you, untying the scarf from your leg and putting it back on Jig. Those two are so cute together, you thought. 

"Well, I should probably go, I don't want to be any trouble," you said to Rouxls. 

He grabbed your arm softly. "You can stay the night, if you want, worm. I knoweth how the people may be at times."

You flushed at this sentence. You barely ever stayed over at other people's homes. 

"Sure, what could go wrong?"

Duke and the Duchess (Rouxls Kaard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now