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As you laid down in the back room, on a blow-up mattress Rouxls had, with Jig cuddled up to Sunstone like a kitten, you were pondering that thought you had earlier. Why the hell did it feel like frost was weaving around your chest, only a warm feeling instead of a cold one? And why did it only happen when you set eyes on Rouxls? It couldn't be...a crush? Infatuation? Sure, you've liked boys in the past, but you mainly went after girls. But there was no denying it, there was something whenever you set eyes on him. 

Maybe you were jumping the shark. You had a tendency to do that a lot. 

There wasn't any sun, but seeing as you normally woke up early, you could tell it was around 5-6:00. Sitting up, you stretched and got up to see if anyone was awake. Trying to roll your heels to be silent didn't work out, so the quiet thuds of your feet could be heard. Shoot, Jig is gonna wake up at this rate, you thought. Looking around, you still saw nobody. Huh, guess everyone's aslee-

Suddenly, the sound of a door creaking open hit your ears. Your body's fight or flight reflexes suddenly made you bolt in to a box. A large axe was also in the box, and you hoped it obscured your form from whatever was coming. 

"Who'st there? Who dares intrude into thine humble abode?!"

Oh, that's who it is. You figured you could toy with this, just a little. You tried to even your breathing from the tiny anxiety fit you just had, but also to keep quiet.  Rouxls walked over to the box, looking down at you. You stopped breathing all the way. He gave you a curious look. 

"Show thyself, fiend!" he yowled, tugging on whatever he could find. 

Which just so happened to be a part of your hair. 

For any normal person, that would've hurt a lot. But due to some bad habits you picked up at a young age it hurt a lot less. And it also stirred....something else. You ignored it as best as you could. 

"Ow, you jerk! Let go!" you said, grabbing his glove in an attempt to get him to let go. He jumped when you did so, but at least it got his hand out of your hair. 

"Ah, worm! It was thou who was sneaking! What art thou doing at this hour?" Rouxls asked. 

"Well, I normally get up at this time every day. It's more of something my body does than something I do," you responded. He seemed intrigued, but decided nut to press further. 

"Well worm, thoust should get back to bed. I am going for a stroll in the dungeon, if you want to find me," he said, and then he walked out of the door. 

As soon as he left, you immediately decided to explore. Unsurprisingly, you first looked for a bathroom, which was located near the back rooms where you and Rouxl's rooms were. Phrasing it like that caused your face to heat up, but you shook it off. 

Next, you checked inside your room. Sunstone had stolen your spot and Jig still had her face buried in his neck. You snickered and shut the door.

Finally, you went to check out Rouxls Kaard's room. It felt a bit rude to intrude like this, but your curiosity seemed to be controlling your body. You quietly opened the door, and peeked inside. The room wasn't very large, but it wasn't cramped either.  There was a jar of pink wiggling things near a fancy-looking blue bunk-bed. Worms? Why were you surprised. 

You stepped in to explore a bit more. There seemed to be a bunch of books on a shelf. You picked one up. 

A photo book? You flipped through it, scanning the pages. There was mostly Rouxls and the spade kid. Lancer, you think. There was also a fat guy who looked like a bigger Lancer. Must be the king.

You decided to leave, figuring you'd have satisfied your curiosity. You shut the door and went back in to the guest room. Seeing that the guy had a sink and the fact that you needed to wash your clothes, you took an awkward leap of faith. Two options: don't do it and smell like garbage, or risk getting seen naked. You justified the last one by deciding to wash your undergarments last.

As you approached the sink, you looked for any kind of soap. And a towel. Both of which were near the sink. 


You washed your jacket first, starting with the essentials. Maybe wearing a tank-top in a cold house wasn't the best idea, but you had no spare clothes at the moment. Then you carefully took off your shirt, cringing at the look at your body. Maybe you were fond of it with clothes on, but you looked far too exposed right now. 

You washed it quickly, and put it on just as fast. Then you took off your leggings. They looked stylized  for Halloween, but they sure were comfy. It actually felt bad to have them off, maybe because your body was partially exposed where your friends could see if they wanted to, and the fact that you were in the house of someone you were just getting to know. 

When they were done, you reluctantly slid off your boxers. If there was a world record for washing them, you'd have broken it. You put the rest of your clothes on shortly after.

Now that that was done, you could finally go outside. But not without telling your pals. As you opened the door, Sunstone sat up, looking at you in a confused manner. "Where're you off to?" he asked, shuffling Jig off his chest and on to the bed. He had a knack for knowing what you were doing, so it was just a little bit eerie. 

"I'm going on a walk. Do you two want to come with?"

"No way, knowing you it's probably 7 in the morning. I'm going to catch some Z's," he responded, unconsciously rolling over as he did so. At least you have someone to calm Jig down when she wakes up. 

  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡  ♡   ♡   ♡  ♡   ♡  ♡  ♡

Good god, where did he run off to?

You were currently wandering the dungeon looking for Rouxls, and he was currently...nowhere to be found. Oh, wait, I think I saw a certain someone with long white hair turn the corner. You slowed your pace, sneaking up on him. He didn't seem to notice you just yet. As he stopped to look at something, a worm, probably, you tapped his shoulder. He jumped a good foot in the air, and you were trying not to laugh. He glared at you, but not in a menacing or angry way, just in a playful way. 

You decided to walk with him.

Duke and the Duchess (Rouxls Kaard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now