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A/N: y'all know what i'm continuing this thing. hope you guys enjoy!)))

Rouxls stared at you with baffled eyes. "So...the orange worm is....no more?" 

You nodded sadly. "Sunstone was always a brave guy, but his stubborn-ness is what ultimately got him killed," you muttered. "Oh- uh, sorry for dumping all this on you so suddenly. I know I was a brat to you earlier, and-"

"No need to apologize," Rouxls replied. "I had overheard thou disputing with the orange worme." 

You chuckled nervously despite yourself. "Uh..sorry about that, too."

The taller blue man pat you on the shoulder, stirring up the frosty feeling in your lungs again. Stop that! Bad! You felt a soft shuffling from Jig, dumbly noting that she was trying not to burst out laughing. Asshole.

"Now, worme, do you want to go on a walketh?"

You nodded, subconsciously grabbing his hand. You heard his breath hitch and you pulled back immediately. "Sorry! Sorry, I won't do it agai-"

"You...you canst,,, hold mine hand if it makes thou feel better."


Did he just say you could hold his hand? Am I high?

You didn't want to blow the opportunity even if it was, so you took his gloved hand in yours. It was a bit smaller than yours, but that was okay with you. 

"Now. Can we go on a walk?" You asked, looking at Rouxls. He gave you a small nod, and with that, you were off to the dungeons. 

Jig was smiling to herself. She knew a crush when she saw it.

Duke and the Duchess (Rouxls Kaard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now