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You had to admit, it didn't surprise you that Rouxls liked boys. Your gaydar did seem to tick in his direction, or maybe it was just your crush on him.

Wait, what? Since when? Wait....

Oh. Oh sh-

"Hey, Y/N?" Rouxls asked, stopping you from leaving by grabbing your arm. Wrong time for that, Rouxls!

"Y-Yes?" you replied, trying to deny the fact that your fingertips had begun to turn red. 

"Thank youst for being so understanding. Normally, any other male would have called me...Derogatory terms..." he said, cringing at the last part. 

While you hadn't been called those terms, you knew what they were and felt bad for him. 

"Hey. If anyone calls you those terms, they aren't worth your time,"  you told him, removing your hand from his grasp and putting it on his shoulder. He smiled at this, and embraced you in a hug.

Your breath got trapped between your lungs at this motion, but you decided to return the hug. He seemed pleased with this, and then let go. 

"Well, see you later, Rouxls," you said, getting up to go. He waved at you, not knowing you probably weren't coming back. You walked into your room and picked up Jig and Sunstone. 

"Where're we going?" Jig asked, climbing into the hood of your jacket. Sunstone wrapped around your neck like a necklace, and awaited an answer as well. 

"It's simple. I'm going to the surface."

Sunstone cheered. "All right! I get to see something other than this absolute hellhole!"

Jig seemed to be pleased with the idea. "Let's get going!"

You gave Rouxls's room one last look goodbye, and then you walked out of the door.


From the looks of it, the king had already been defeated, and the fountain was free to walk in to. 

Aside from dodging some conversations with people you didn't know, the walk there as smooth and good to go. However, you hesitated. Walking out of there meant that you were going to leave everything you grew to know behind. Rouxls would be upset, too, and you weren't sure if Jig and Sunstone could make it through the barrier. 


"No, I can't do it," you said, looking at your pals. 

Jig understood, but Sunstone got a bit angry. 

"Are you kidding me?! We wen't all this way for you to turn back?!"

"We went up ONE FLIGHT OF STAIRS! Chill!"

Sunstone sighed. "Whatever. I'm leaving you guys."

"No! Don't leave!" Jig squeaked, reaching out for him. You said nothing.

"No, Jig, I'm going! This sad sack of garbage isn't going to do anything but hang out with his pwecious boyfriend!"

You felt your eyes well up with tears. "Screw you, Sunstone. I let you live the life you wanted to, and you STILL TREAT ME LIKE THIS? We're done!" 

Sunstone's eyes showed a dim light of regret, but he turned and walked toward the fountain.

However, when he tried to walk through, the barrier cut through his body and tore it to shreds.

All that remained of him was two small orange mittens, and an orange hood.

Duke and the Duchess (Rouxls Kaard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now