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So this used to be an authors note page but it was stupid. Ima just use it to continue the story!))

"You know people tend to change after puberty. Eyes are probably a part of that!" I grinned spinning around so I wouldn't have to look at the mirror anymore.

England turned with me, "Are you saying you just hit puberty Alfred?" Laughing softly he started towards the door, "It's not puberty love."

My stomach filled with butterflies when he said 'love' but then it immediately dropped once I actually listened to everything else he said, "Since your sure it's not puberty, then what do you think it is?"

He didn't respond and instead walked out of the bathroom. I quickly rushed after him and for a second I went to reach for his hand before deciding better. Holding hands is a couple thing, but is it an England thing? He doesn't give off a very touchy type vibe, but then again I never would of thought him capable of liking me so maybe I'm wrong...

"America-san?" Japans soft spoken voice sounded from a few feet ahead of me.

Blinking I focused my attention on him, "Yup. That's me!"

Japan just frowned and looked to England. Gilbert and Matty stood behind him both sharing a concerned look.

England quickly jumped in, "Yes his eyes are red. Yes I have a theory as to why. We cannot talk here though, so let's meet at-"

"The Batcave!" I cheered causing everyone to look at me again. Shit I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Y-yes...The Batcave." England continued, "Otherwise known as Alfreds home."

The others nodded and turned walking towards the exit. England stood staring at me for a second longer before shaking his head. Wow he's adorable. When he does that his hair falls a bit in his eyes and-

"I take it you want me to shake my head more?" He asked a sly smile on his lips. Before I could respond he started walking after the others.

I really need to put a lock on my mouth. I swore I was saying that in my head! Maybe stress is making me scatterbrained.

Sighing I jog to catch up with the others and we all head back to my house.


Once at my house everyone immediately took over the living room. Gilbert sat in the love seat with Matty in his lap. Japan chose to sit on the far left of the couch while England sat on the far left. I, however, was neatly positioned in the middle of the room so everyone could look at me.

"So what's your theory England?" Matty spoke up. His voice barely qualified as a whisper but the worry was evident. Gilbert rubbed reassuring circles into his back while eyeing me.

England sighed rubbing his temples, "What do you remember about the day Oliver came over?"

Huh. What's that have to do with this? I haven't even thought of that day for a bit now, "Not much." Stuffing my hands into my bomber jacket I continued, "I thought he was you because he was wearing ur uniform. Then he turned around and of course I realized...Oh! Then he gave me a piece of cake which tasted so good!" A glare from England had me moving passed to at quickly, "Uhm then I got really tired and decided to nap at the kitchen table. I woke up...well when he were there Iggy."

England jumped up, "I have an idea." He said before quickly running out of the room.

"How do you feel?" Gilbert asked filling the awkward silence. I was surprised to see the Prussian acting so serious.

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