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You walk into the last class of the day; History.  Your crush, Marko, sits in your seat, but then you see your boyfriend, Maddox, waving at you from the back corner of the classroom where you two spend your time mainly making-out when the teacher wasn't looking. 

The front board reads, 'Test today! Phones away and no talking'

You slide into the desk next to Marko who gives you his signature Cheshire Cat grin. "Hey," you lock gazes with him. "Don't you usually sit with Maddox?" 

"The old leaves are clouding my friend circle. Thought I'd give the new kid a chance."

"Thanks, Y/N." 

"You're welcome." 


After class 

Maddox yanks you down the junior hallway, not bothering to apologize to the freshmen. 

"Ow! Maddox, let me go!" You slide your arm out of his hand, his vice-like grip leaving several red marks. 

"What the fuck was that?"

"Fuck off, Maddox. You don't own me." 

"You really should've listened to those other sluts who warned you about me." 

"Get away from her, you son-of-a-bitch!" Maddox is shoved backwards onto the concrete by Marko. This boy had a death wish, I swear. 

"I didn't need saving, Marko. We're done, Maddox." 

"Fine, go be with your fuckboy. But don't come back crying when he replaces you with another slut." Marko knocks him out and together you get out of the state like young, high school lovers.

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