Fighting Back

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Annika opened her eyes with a headache, she was lying on the wet floor which was smelling of damp. The room was dark and cold. An unusual smell filled the room. Her head was paining and her eyes swollen. There was a cut mark on her elbows and knees while her left cheeks hurt.

She sat abruptly, she realised what brings her here. She was not afraid till now but suddenly fear covers her. She puts her hand on her stomach. New life was inside it. She feared about that new life. Her and Shivaay's life.

She was not tied so she tried to figure out the place.

She remembers that she was talking to Shivaay over phone and saw the roka ceremony of Gauri and om. She was happy even if she could not go. She is witnessing it.
It was her bathing time. She was told by ever caring shivaay to eat and take rest. He told her he will join her after dinner. He had already told maid to prepare food for her. They have taken appointment for next morning. They confirmed their pregnancy with pregnancy kit. Two were very happy. Their love found a life. They had new dream and new hope now. The new one will complete them in true sense.

She went to freshen up. When she returned she gaped at the sight in front of her. Daksh was sitting on the bed. Lying there like it's his own. With his wicked smile.

"How dare you enter my room like that?" She questioned him knowing how useless the question was. He is an evil man he can do anything. She asked because she don't want to show him how sacred she is.

" You missed me right? Baby doll!" He said coming towards her.

He did not touch her but came very close and he whispers in her ears "such a nice opportunity, Shivaay is not there ,you and me are alone. Lets do some Romance baby"

Annika disgusted by his talk, she hates how close he was. She pushed him away. "Don't even think to get close to me. I won't think twice before killing you." She said. Her voice determined and strong.

Her faith in shivaay has no bound. She felt stronger now her Shivaay is with her. Nobody can even touch her.

"Chill baby, I am not interested in you. Actually, you are not my type. I thought before some action why don't we have some Romance. But as you wish!"

"I never thought you are such a fool. You thought you'll come here and harm me and can get away with it?" She gave a sly smile.

"Who told you I am here to harm you?, We just need something from Shivaay till then you come with me.. after getting what we want you can go back to your Shivaay..." He mimicked her.

" And you think I will come?" She said laughing.

"If not on your own then I have other ways too" he said.

Annika ran towards the door. Which Daksh blocked swiftly. She tried to go out from window but Daksh was quicker he dragged her abducting her way. He closed her mouth she struggled on his grip. She tried to release herself from him. The tussle was Strong. In the process she injured herself on her elbow. She fell on the ground. She shouted "shivaay."...... Daksh made her stand and gave a tight slap on her left cheeks which made her fall again. This time injuring her knees.

"Don't be so..... difficult baby......" he said putting a cloth on her mouth and she got unconscious.

Now she don't know for how many hours or days she is been there.
She was searching for the way out. Fanatically. She was calm outside but there was turmoil inside. She feared for her child. For Shivaay. Again he must be in mess. He feels week whenever something happens to her and now this. Her tears were the proof how badly she wanted to go to him. Not for herself it's for him. To tell him that not to worry she is fine. Her baby is fine, their baby is fine.

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