Meeting Lily

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Are you about tonight? I have some gear and willing to share seen as i still owe you x

My phone had just buzzed, and i opened the message from Lily.

For the first time since i can remember, the first thought was precaution. Tomorrow was the start of school; again.I had important meetings with people who are going to judge me on every slight thing. A low was something that didn’t take my fancy for such a boring day.

Although, this thought was soon banished along with a new thought entering my mind. A high was something i craved tonight. Especially a free high for an above average looking girl. Lily was nice, and alike me. And, as she said before, she owed me as it was.

Sound, are you still in school? Im on the green, tell me where to meet you and ill be there whenever x

Lily was someone who very rarely turned up to school. She was either in bed recovering or in hospital visiting some long lost family member as an excuse to abandon education. I felt sorry for her in this case, she would literally go to the effort to visit the most morbid place, to avoid school.

Im at mine, ill come down now. wait there for me x

I did as she said, and began to slump my limp body down on the wet grass. Weight had began shedding off me since being involved with drugs. Everyone says how weed makes them want to eat to their hearts content. Or coke makes them want to continue drinking for days. Two things i have never experienced with either drug.

Staring at my body, i noticed what i resembled. I looked like a ten year old boy. A very ill ten year old at that. My bone structure was visible through my top, causing me to zip up my jacket once i was conscious of this fact. The fabric of the tshirt hung off my body, almost like a tepee. This didn't stop my rib cages being visible when the wind made the fabric stick against my stomach.

"How long have you been staring at that place then?" Lily's girly voice, a voice that really suited her image, shouted over to me from below the hil i was sat on.

She gradually made her way over to me, copying my stance, her body mirroring mine. "Just ten minutes-or so. Last day of freedom before i start back again isn't it."

She moved her body, so her hands were at the back of her, holding her small amount of weight. Her legs were then fully starched, toes pointed in an almost dancer poser. I think she used to be a dancer. Im sure she told me that once.

"I don't see why you still go to school" She finally came out with, sighing slightly at the end. "You pretty much have a business with your uncle anyway."

"Im not getting into that, too risky." I replied quickly, not wanting to get into the conversation about my uncles business.

"I was meaning to ask you actually, is there any chance i could get involved?" Her eyes holding onto the hope of getting involved in the drug business.

I shot my head up, having to second glance if she was being serious. "No, there is absolutely no way that would ever happen. Its not safe Lily." I replied, once again wanting to drop the conversation.

Even though Lily was only an acquaintance, out of the group she was the one i knew the most. The one who made the most effort with me, and in return i made the most effort with her. At one point, when i was naive, i actually grew feelings for her. But i soon realised that i was being stupid and i could never feel anything towards her. Feelings are what destroy people. They make you let down your barriers. Barriers are there for a reason.

She gave me eyes that begged for me to change my mind, but to her misery, i didn't. She stood back up and took her bag back into her hands, and onto her shoulder. Leaving me wondering what she was doing.

"Are you coming to mine for this sniff then? Im not letting you risk getting caught on the school green if its day one tomorrow." Lilys caring side coming out. It may not have been obvious to anyone who was ever listening in, but it was obvious to me.

I got up from my sprawled out state, and our two figures made our way over to Lilys empty house.


So we meet Lily n she does coke n skips school lol classy

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