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The outside of the house displayed neglect and abandonment. Everything displayed a lack of caring, and giving up. Alot like me and Lily as people i guess. The brown door was still on latch from the minutes ago that Lily had left the house. Not locking the door was a habit of Lilys. She said theres nothing worth stealing, and shes trustworthy when it comes to people anyhow.

A feature i wish i held- trust.

I made my way through to the living room. The endless bottles of prescription drugs covering up the window sills made it look like a drugs den. I suppose in a way it was. But the walls covered in family photos made your mind drift from this thought. each including a plump woman in a wheelchair and two children, one being Lily, one im assuming is her sister. In every single photo Lily was smiling, no matter how old she was.

"Just off to get the bag." Lily broke the silence.

Her footsteps that she made as she walked the stairs were more prominent the higher she went. The floor boards creaked as her dainty frame hovered over the rooms above, scurrying between her numerous hiding places she had gathered though out the years.

I was still hovering myself, dallying between feet, not knowing where to sit in the squat like house. I decided to sit on the floor where the battered rug lay. It showed signs of once being white, but now as orange, at best yellow. Stained by smoke. Stained by abusers.

My hands began playing with the frayed edges of the rug, unaware of what i was doing. Placing the hand made tassles between my fingers, and letting them fall back onto the hard floor. Memories came flooding back. Memories of when me and Lily first met, only a year ago. When she had a small party, literally no one came. We all sat on the outside of the rug, laughing due to the amount of intoxicants inside of us. Staying up until light appeared, having fun. That was only a year ago.

"Got it!" Lily shouted down, true happiness in her voice. It made me feel sad though. The one thing that made her feel real happiness was finding a bag of old cocaine.

This thought was soon taken away when she entered the room, looking around for a tray of some sort.

"Ill get one, there in the kitchen yeah?" I asked over, knowing too well what she was looking for.

Lily nodded, and i made my way over to the cluttered kitchen. I was never one to judge the state of houses, after all, mine wasn't dissimilar to this the way that dad treats it.

I came back into the living room, placing the tray down onto the rug, with my own body sitting next to Hers.

"Just short of a gram, might have done a sneaky one," She started, her eyes shining at the sheer thought of the substance that was about to enter her body. "Here, you sort it out." She demanded, plopping the limp bag onto my knee.

I took the bag of death and unsealed the top. Without even thinking, i placed the crystals onto the tray and got out my wallet. My savings card had no real use, apart from this. I began making the crystals so small, into powder. It reminded me of the first time me and Lily ever did coke. We were so scared to even do a key. We hid in her mums garage, thinking we were the hardest kids on the street. We were so proud of ourselves. Until Lilys nose began to bleed because i hadn't made it fine enough. I felt so bad, but she just kept telling me to shutup, its only blood.

"Brad, your taking fucking forever, come on." Lily took me out of my trance. I began making it even finer, before arranging it into neat lines. Fat lines. Long lines.

I laid out one for Lily first, after all it was her supply and god knows when she can next afford a rush.

She took her index finger, slightly chipped with navy polish, pushing down her left nostril. She did it so carefully, so elegantly.

Lily bobbed her head, as i rested the tray on my knees. All the lights were off, but to add to the darkness and unknown, she closed both eyes. Taking one large snort, moving her head left towards the rest of the line, she made the powder disappear forever, inside of her.

Lily opened her eyes, the sudden rush hitting her. Her head came back up to before, no longer bobbed towards the tray. Her finger still above the nostril she didn't use, taking little snorts like a piglet. This ensured all the powder stayed down, however with the amount she just took back, i didn't feel she needed to make sure it all stayed down.

It was my turn, Lily took the tray and now placed it on her knee, copying the pose i had before. I placed one finger on my right nostril, and bobbed my head. The feeling of the powder reaching my body hit instantly, making me pang open my eyes. Short sniffs to make sure it stayed down, more out of habit rather than actually needing to. It gave such a rush. I placed my head up again, once the feeling of the powder seeping down my throat began.

The two of us sat in the darkening room, hands behind out outstretched bodies, heads hung backwards, embracing the feeling of happiness. A feeling only illegal substances were able to achieve.

I moved my head to be greeted with two blood shot eyes which matched my exact feelings. Her body sprung up, faster than i thought was humanly possible, and headed towards the old record player in the corner of the room.

Lily was different to the person she made everyone think she was. She liked charity shops and village fates. She liked vintage clothing shops and the idea of tea and cake afternoons. She told me this once, i remember.

Frail hands placed an old stone roses vinyl into the record player, and it began making a sound out of the large speakers around the room. My feet took me up, and i began to dance. Care free, in the darkness with a girl who was off her face.

Laughter could be heard, even above the record that was going around. Our laughter. Our arms stretched out in the air, grasping for this time to never end.

"I fucking love you you know" slipped out my mouth. It wasn't heard above the music, i don't think. Lily just kept her face away from mine, and i watched her. I watched her have a childhood and enjoy the stupidest things in life. She enjoyed the sound of singing and some knock off record filling the room.

Right then, she turned around. Her eyes bright with wetness, her fingers laying under her eyes, gently wiping them. Never smudging any makeup, being as careful as ever. She embraced me in a hug, still dancing along to the vinyl album.

Lily took herself away from the hug, and made another line disappear inside of her ever so young body. Once again standing up from her previous crouched position, a smirk plastered across her perfected face.

"I like seeing you smile, lil. It suits you"



idk pls dont judge me for writing so in depth about drugs lol

Ive just never seen it before in a brad fanfic like this in depth, but i guess it happens in the real world so i decided to include it:)))

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