And this is Chris

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Dad told me the day i got excluded from school that i was lucky to even considered to be taken back. Although, what did his drunken words know about the term 'lucky'?

"At least you get to still spend time with that group you seem to have made friends with." He said, a glimmer of hope of me socializing evident in his voice.

Friends. Fucking friends.

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"Okay, Bradley"

"Brad, my names Brad." I corrected the woman who had clearly been told to make sure i got here safe.

"Sorry, Brad. Your going to be in here for minimum of a week. Depending on your behaviour, it may be longer." She told me. I couldnt help but feel like a prisoner.

I nodded, letting her know that i understand. "Im sure youve experienced all this and you know the general routine?" She asked me.

"Lunch is twenty minutes early so i dont disturb anyone in general lessons. I cant comunicate with anyone in general lessons. If i do, ill get excluded again. I have to collect work from my classes five minutes into each lesson, and i have five minutes to come back. Any extra time may lead to exclusion." I recited the words id heard over and over again while enerting these walls.

She nodded, realising I had been through this probably one too many times, and instructed me to sit in one of the private bays.

"And this is Chris, you may speak to anyone in the room, were not overly strict on that, just as long as you get your work done." The woman, who's name I hadn't yet caught, began to make her way to the desk that lay in the corner of the room. In perfect position to be able to watch everyone in the room. Or the lack of bodies in this case.

"It's a shock seeing you back." Chris broke my rhythm of biro against wooden table.

"It's not a shock seeing you in here again." I answered.

Chris was always in trouble. Never for anything serious however. It would always be something petty along the lines of back chat to a teacher, or the odd scuffle in the corridor.

He saw himself as the class clown. And the groups clown. He 'didn't have to worry about school' because 'the government will pay for him to stay alive.'

The government will also pay for his ever deepening drug habits, they just don't know that yet.

"I heard you were with Lily last night." he stated, his jaw clenched slightly at the mention of the innocent flower, the flower that shared its name with the not so innocent young rebellion.

"I went to hers, yeah. We just had a bag, for old times sake."

He nodded. "We should have more time with everyone, it's been a while."

Chris was right, it has been a while. However, I liked knowing it has been a long time. I didn't have to worry about the rest of the associates. I hadn't had to worry about them for nearly three weeks.

"Get them to come to mine tonight. Just as long as you can get some gear lined up."

I gave in. The tempting knowledge that Chris, the boy sat to the left of me, could get his hands on a bag within minutes of being in contact with 'a man' sent a rush through my body.

"As if I would disappoint." Chris smirked.

Torture• Bradley Will Simpson/ the vampsWhere stories live. Discover now