Come down

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A come down. Its a term that people who welcome any drug substance, minus heroin into their body are familiar with. For alcohol, the term can also be known as a hangover. Where you just want to shut everything out, your head hurts and sickness is at the top of your feelings. For Cocaine, the come down is around 10 times worse.

A cocaine come down, plus a meeting with the principal and extra staff? Well, thats around 100 times worse than a hangover.

I was currently sat in Principal Fishers office. My dad to the left of me, and the schools staff directly opposite us.

My head was banging, almost like someone was knocking on the inside of my skull begging me to let them out. My eyes were bloodshot from the previous afternoon with Lil. I was unable to make my body look half alive due to my slouching posture. Every part if me was begging sleep.

Coke is a drug that doesn't allow you to sleep. to me and Lily, it's known as the dance medicine. This, as obvious as it sounds, is due to the intoxicating feeling it releases inside of you to dance. To just be care free and let your hands go wild. Make your legs kick, creating shapes into an empty space. A rush from coke only lasts for around five minutes, but the after effect of the come down is much more severe.

Although right now, i wish i had that rush for this meeting. I knew yesterday, when i met Lily on that patch of grass, that i would end up feeling this way today. Ironically, that didnt stop me. Nothing stops me from having a good time on cocaine, not even the thought of school the next day.

"Brad, did you hear a word the man just said to you?" Dad asked me, the sound of caring long gone from his voice.

"Mr Simpson, id much rather you call me by my name, rather than the man but thankyou for showing some concern." Mr Fishers began. "Brad, this is a crucial time for you, exams are fast approaching, and with your record of behavious, and quite honestly, your grades, there is a limited number of schools that will be willing to take you on." His eyes never leaving mine.

"This means, this is genuinely your last chance at education. Were not proud of it, but the fact is, we have had to let students down before due to their own actions. Your not one of the poeple we want to loose." One of his collegues finished for him, seen as the prinicpal was unable to find the words for my ignoarnce towards him.

"Yeah, i understand." I lied.

Every word that anyone in this room spoke to me, had no impact or even made sense inside of my head. I was unable to process the words, even the words id just spoke i had to question, making sure they fitted together to form an understandable sentance.

"In that case, Im going to ask you to return to school in our excellence centre, just to ease you back in." i was glad about this, its a place anyone gets away with going on their phone, just for pretending to have a migraine. Along with all these illness fakers, its where the group i usually spend time with are often based due to their behaviour in general classes deemed as troublesome.

I nodded, accepting the place of work, and the group of people who were sat in the room all began to get up.

"Ill see you tonight then." Dad spoke, not saying another word before leaving room, heading back to his car.


i dont even know if anyone wanted this updating, but i did bc its the only story i feel like carrying on with rn


Torture• Bradley Will Simpson/ the vampsWhere stories live. Discover now