Combat Training (pt 1)

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(Imagine that Izuku is wearing what he is wearing on the cover)

As Izuku was walking back from school he saw Iida and the round faced girl walking infront of him. He then walked up to them and said "Hey guys". Iida recognised Izuku's voice and a scowl appeared on his face. "Ohh, Hi Izuku" said Ochako trying to sound as cute as possible, she loved him and Izuku immediately realised. "Are you two a thing?" Izuku asked, knowing the type of answer she was going to give. "Me and Iida? No, never ever, I promise i'm still free, you have to believe me." Ochako pleaded. Iida face instantly turned to one of pain, he had been really interested in Ochako and she had just made him out to be the last person she would ever date. He then realised that it was because she was head over heels in love with Izuku, blood began to boil in his veins and a small fire started coming out of his leg engines. Then he fired his leg up and towards Izuku's face, the dirt path they were now walking on created a cloud big enough and thick enough to stop anyone of the three highschoolers from seeing each other. Tenya had felt his leg hit something so he drew it back and shouted "YOU STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME, MY PRIDE, MY DIGNITY, MY STATURE... AND NOW YOU'VE EVEN TAKEN THE FIRST GIRL THAT I'VE EVER LIKED AWAY FROM ME... WELL, NO MORE, I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE AND SO I WIN, I KILLED YOU IZUKU MIDORIYA, YOU'RE GONE AND I'M NOT." Ochako was now on the floor crying as she thought that Izuku was dead from what she heard Iida saying. "I don't plan on going anywhere until i've achieved my dream of becoming the best hero ever." Izuku said before coughing because of the dirt. Iida was shocked that any human being could survive a hit like that but his anger soon took over control and he began throwing kicks left and right at Izuku's head. Izuku blocked them all with his arms and Izuku then began to hold back Iida's attacks with one arm and he got out his phone to record it. Iida saw this and somehow managed to get even angrier. "YOU THINK YOU CAN HOLD ME BACK WITH ONE ARM, I'LL SHOW YO..." Iida stopped as he recieved a kick to the stomach that placed him on the verge of unconscousness. "Stop or i'll go to the police" Izuku said in an emotionless voice, Iida heard this and realised that he had let all reason leave his brain and let his emotions take the wheel. Iida got up and dusted himself off and bowed to become a perfect right angle and said with genuine regret in his voice "I AM TRULY SORRY" loud enough to be a shout but with no aggression in it.

The trio had continued to walk home with Ochako saying virtually nothing and Iida apologising every minute and thanking Izuku for putting up with him. Izuku had told him it was alright if he was nice from now on but Iida hadn't accepted that as a soloution and said that he would fulfill any requests Izuku gave him for the rest of his life. From Iida's point of view Izuku had saved his life because he wouldn't be able to become a hero with assault on his record and that was his one dream in life, to follow in his brother's footsteps. Izuku had agreed to that arrangment solely because he had something specific in mind, he needed a test subject for all of his chemistry experiments.

It was now after the normal school day and it was time for class 1-A to do their hero course work. All Might entered the room and recieved a few excited whispers from the students of class 1-A. "Today we will be doing some hero work and you will get to do it in your hero costumes." All Might said slightly louder than needed. Even Izuku was visibly excited by the opportunity to fight in his costume. He had been working on his costume since he had got OFA and it was clearly the best in the class to him. He had made it from the same material as the net he used to clean Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. He had perfected the material after a few more attempts and even he could barely scratch it at OFA 100%. He had made the white gloves of the perfected version of the net material and the main brown trench coat and the cinnamon troussers too. (Yes, I'm English) The rest were just normal clothes and so they would easily break or burn. 


Izuku was the first to get ready and so he was waiting outside alone with All Might, All Might asked him "How far can you go?" excited for the answer. "125.67%, without hurting myself badly." Izuku replied while trying not to look to interested in All Might's reaction when in reality he was waiting for All Might's response with held breath. "Wow... it took me three years before I got to 125%" Izuku was shocked and he couldn't hide it, "Really?" was all he could say. "Yeah, it took me five years with OFA before I hit my prime. Anyway, people should be arriving soon so go stand away from me so they don't make the connection." Izuku noded in response and he walked off from All Might and closer to the door to the boy's changing room. Then people started to walk out with Momo being one of the first she walked over to Izuku to find that Ochako had beat her to it. She was talking to Izuku and she seemed really happy. She began to walk off when she heard Izuku call her name "Momo!" he said in an excited voice, her heart skipped a beat andshe immediately turned round to see Izuku smiling at her and Ochako giving her the meanest death stare she could conjure. "Hey Izuku" Momo said, ignoring the continuing stare from Ochako. "Momo, the test will be something like a villan vs hero situation, there will probably be two heros on a team vs two villans on a team. Just thought i'd let you know." Momo responded with "How do you know?" Izuku face lit up, he loved explaining what was going on his brain to others. "Well... 1)It will be hero vs villans because they want us to face opponents of the same skill and the school want the students to know what it is like to be the villan and the hero. 2)It will be teams, specifically random teams, the team part is because in a real life situation we would probably be working with other heros to fight the villans, the random part is because we would be working with random heros in the area in a real life situation. 3)Incase you were going to ask, I told you because I wanted you to be prepared because I don't want you to get hurt at some point in the lesson." Izuku had realised what he said in the last point and a small blush appeared on his face which was nothing compared to the gianormous smile and huge ruby colour that took over Momo's face. "You're worried about me?" she said, her voice almost expolding with excitment. in response, Izuku noded and walked off directly after that at a pace that left Momo alone in 2 seconds. 'Awww' she thought to herself.

Ina bit

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