U.A. Sports Festival (pt 2)

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Izuku had been hitting the gym hard ever since he had talked about his father and any time spent recovering from the workouts was spent in lessons or studying at home. He had become twice as determined to do well in the sports festival to show all of the people how he would save everyone. In doing this he had worried a few people with his disappearances at break and lunch and eventually he was confronted by a nervous Momo. 

"Izuku Midoriya" a voice called out as Izuku was walking down the corridor just after leaving the last class he had, Izuku recognised the voice and judging by the use of his full name and the tone, Izuku knew that he was about to take a verbal beating. He turned around and accepted his fate as his face was met by Momo's who was walking so fast and was so angry that she managed to walk right up to Izuku and their eyes met. Izuku stood still and stared into her eyes, mesmerised. She saw this and pulled away and began the rant of a lifetime. "I can't believe you. You don't just get to decide to kick us out because of some family issues. Iida and especially me have been worried about you this whole time and the way you want to fix that is to avoid us at any cost. Considering you are supposed to be the smart one you have been really stupid... stupid Deku." Momo said, after she finished she began to stabalise her breathing as she had said the whole speech in one breath and was left gasping for air. There was a silence that made the tension palpable. Izuku lowered his head. 

The silence was broken by a small laugh, Izuku then raised his head and met Momo with an innocent, care-free smile. Izuku said with a excited voice "OK Momo, I'll come back to you guys again if you help me train, deal?" Momo's face lit up and she noded her head and held out her hand. Izuku took it and they agreed on the deal. Izuku then walked with Momo to the cafeteria. There was a happy reunion and after a few awkward hugs it was like Izuku never left.

After a short while in the cafeteria Izuku was met by All Might's gaze and Izuku said he was going to the toilet as he left and walked in All Might's direction. The two of them walked over to an empty classroom and began their discussion. All Might began "Young Midoriya, as you know the sports festival is coming up and this is the time to make an impact. I believe this is your opportunity to really show off." Izuku said "I was already planning on it" and then walked out "Bye AM" Izuku called just before he left earshot. All Might scowled at the childs treatment of him but it quickly turned into a smile and he said "He is like how I was but he's 500 times smarter."

Izuku finally went back to the cafeteria where everyone had finished their food so the 'gang' decided to go back to Mr Aizawa's classroom to talk. As they made it within sight of the classroom they were met by a huddle outside of the door. Ochako tried to push in and get through the crowd but it was to no avail. Izuku said "Make everyone weightless and i'll get everyone in." Everyone knew to trust Izuku and they all became weightless when Ochako touched them and they grabbed onto Izuku. Izuku continued "All of you get into a full plank position and get as straight as possible." All of them obeyed and Izuku calculated the angles and he grabbed Iida "You'll be the test" Izuku said as he lightly chucked Iida through the gap between peoples heads and the top of the doorway. Izuku smiled as Iida soared above everyone else and entered the classroom. Izuku then threw Ochako through the gap and by now the mob were watching but they were still in the way so Izuku was forced to throw Momo in too. He took a birt longer with her to make sure she got through safely. Izuku then released her and began to think of a way to get through the crowd of roughly one hundred. He decided on jumping straight up at 2% to get roughly 7ft up and then pushing off the wall at 5% with a slightly arced angle. Izuku landede in the classroom and then closed the classroom door. It weighed alot but he had enough strength with just the leftover 5%. He then said "annoying."


It was now the day of the opening ceremony of the sports festival and Midnight was presenting the event for the first years. She shouted through the microphone "Now we will have a few words from the man with the best scores in the whole year. Izuku Midoriya could you come to the stage." Izuku was shocked, he guessed that he was supposed to be prepared but Mr Aizawa napped through the preparation lesson for the sports festival. Anyway, now he needed a speech so he began the walk to the stage with his synapses firing off infinetly. He had half a speech ready when he got to the stage and he could make the rest up as he was saying the fist half. He stood at the centre of the stage and began. "We are all here to see a show, a show of strength from the next generation of heroes. This is a way for everyone to improve and I hope everyone will see it that way today. I want to see everyone aiming for victory. This is the school U.A. and i'll be damned if that doesn't mean something, it is our duty to make that mean something so I say bring it on. This school can take it. We can take it. So let this festival begin."

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