U.A. Sports Festival (pt 6)

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"Izuku, could you come here?" Todoroki asked. Izuku quickly said goodbye to his friends and walked over to Todoroki, saying "Hey, what's up?" Todoroki ignored him and said "Izuku Midoriya, I will be the one to defeat you. You were the one to crush my teams' dreams and erase them from this competition. You will not go unpunished." Izuku's mood changed and he became dead serious, he began to reply, "Todoroki, I believe that everyone on your team would feel even worse if I had gone easy on them. Me trying my hardest meant that I respected them as rivals and acknowledged them. Also, there's no way you could beat me only using half of your quirk, it's honestly stupid to think you could even slightly punish me without using 100% of your power. It's kinda cute." 

Todoroki broke down. He had just declared that he would avenge his team and punish Izuku and he had called it CUTE. Cute... Todoroki recovered and said "I will defeat you and it will be entirely my power that I use, not his." Izuku noded and began to walk away, he said "Make his power yours then." After this Izuku walked back to his friends and inserted himself back into the current conversations.


All Might turned a corner to see him. It was Endeavor. All Might had always tried to be nice to him as he was a force to be reckoned with and so he approached like he always did. All Might said/shouted while laughing, "I am here, why hello Endeavor" All Might asked while holding his hand out for a handshake. Endeavour scowled at the sudden appearance of his enemy and left All Might hanging. All Might sweatdropped and laughed it off. Endeavour looked directly at All Might for the first time and began "I have recieved information that you have a 'favourite student' of sorts and I would like to let you know that my son will crush him by any means necessary. I will finally beat you." All Might was unresponsive at first but he finally said "I am truly sorry you feel that way." Endeavour was left confused as All Might walked towards the teachers spectating area. 

Izuku had gone to a preparing room but decided that he should go check on his friends. He stepped out into the hallway to see Momo in a cheerleader outfit. The pure shock of the sight made him trip but he grabbed onto the door as he was on his way down and managed to save himself. Momo looked at him, slightly concerned and asked "Izuku are you OK?" He noded repeatedly and said "Yeah, yeah i'm fine." He got back up and looked at Momo again and his cheeks became a light pink. He asked "What's the outfit situation about?" as he was curious as to why Momo of all people would be a cheerleader. She answered quite shocked "Wait... you don't know about this?" She asked as she motioned to her clothes. Izuku shook his head and came up with a theory. He questioned "Did Mineta or Denki ask you to do this?" as his voice got progressively angrier. She noded, confused and Izuku said "Stop anyone going out there, it's a trap" as he sprinted away.

When he was studying the whole class he had noticed that Mineta and Denki were both peverts. Mineta was definetely worse than Denki so he would recieve a worse punishment when he caught the two but both were going to get what they deserved. Izuku found them later and ......


Midnight was back on her stage and she began the third event, "The third event will be a one on one tournament of duels. The matchings will be decided through drawing lots. Any questions?" There where two things raised, Izuku's hand and a tail. Midnight pointed at the tail and said "Yes?" Mashirao began to talk, "I have no recollection of the calvary battle so I didn't really work hard so I think it is unfair for me to get through, I would like to withdraw." Everyone was shocked, everyone except for the other person about to talk. Shouda spoke up and said "I too have zero memory and for the same reason, I would also like to withdraw." 

At this point Midnight was excited as she said "You two... that is amazing, such youthful spirit... I will allow these resignations. Would you two please leave and we will sort out the two new spaces." The two noded and left.

Midnight now went to Izuku. "Your question?" she asked. Izuku said "Is there a heigth limit and can we where our hero costumes?" Midnight immediately responded "There isn't a height limit and no costumes allowed, though if you request it, you can have a minimal amount of gear. Does that answer suffice?" Izuku ignored the question as he was deep in thought. Midnight then continued with the explanation "We seem to have adjusted the lots to the two new contenders and so we will now draw them. Okay the first match is... Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso..." Izuku stopped listening and began to think about how to gather information on him.

It was now after the explanation and everyone was leaving the stadium for now. Izuku made eye contact with Mashirao and they met up shortly after. Izuku immediately asked "What do you know about him?" Hitoshi was a wild card and Izuku was slightly scared by that. Mashirao responded, "Well, my memory is hazy but I remember he asked me something and ater that it all goes hazy. You should watch what happened to me back on TV, that'll tell you something." Izuku set off for the library nodding.

I'm sorry it is taking me so long to get throught the sports festival. I just really like to talk about everything and to not gloss over things like I see in some fan fics. The next chapter'll be out on Sunday... I hope.

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