U.SJ. Attack (pt 3)

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Izuku had placed a tracker on one of the conscious villains and he was now jumping across rooves at OFA 25%, trying to get to the villain's lair as quickly as possible to catch them while they were recovering. The two fears in Izuku's mind was that the villains could have more nomus, which could be a real issue, and that the real leader would be there. Izuku could tell Tomura wasn't the villain's leader because he wasn't patient enough to have planned out the attack and from first impressions, he didn't seem smart enough to make the nomu creature. Izuku knew that the nomu had more than one quirk from it's range of qualities and the only way he knew that to be possible was through OFA. The two options were that someone had beat him to the science of making quirks or there was a quirk that could give people quirks, Izuku dismissed someone being smarter than him and settled for it being a quirk. The fact that all the villains didn't have multiple quirks jumped out at Izuku and he knew this meant most people couldn't handle having two quirks. All Might had explained to Izuku at some point that if Izuku hadn't trained and he received he quirk that he would of exploded, he guessed becoming a nomu was the villain's quirk version of being unprepared and getting a second quirk. 

Izuku was now minutes away from the tracker's location, it had seemed to have stopped at a run-down bar in a bad neighborhood. Izuku began to devise a plan, he knew all the villains would be in an enclosed space, so a large, strong attack would get all the cannon fodder out of the way and leave him with only the strong left standing. He would then hand to hand combat fight all of them off and slowly and safely pick one of them off at a time if he can't get them while they're shocked. He began to think of the large attack he could use, a thunderclap? (the name he had come up with for the clap attack) No, it would lose strength and wouldn't get all of the weaker villains down. Multiple flicks? No, it would take too long to flick enough to get all of the weaker villains down. This meant that he needed to do something new, something different, something... unexpected. A scream. To be specific he would use OFA at 15% on his vocal chords, diaphragm, lungs and his entire mouth so it could take all the force channeling through it. He tried it mid-jump and it was powerful. He broke a few windows in abandoned houses he tested but he then stopped. Using the power had ruined his vocal chords so he decided to try and save them till he was attacking villains.

Then he landed on the roof of the bar. He made an effort to land quietly and so he landed so close to silently that he couldn't be heard landing from inside the building. He then jumped up using 25% earning him 10,000 feet in height. He began to fall and increased his legs to 40% to prepare for breaking through the roof when landing. With five seconds left Izuku took a deep breath in and prepared for a shout attack. He had aimed to land at the very left side of the main room so that everyone would be in the path of the shout. So, he landed on the left side of the roof and came crashing through it landing in a room filled to the brim with people, just landing caused Izuku to crush ten people, they were still alive, but they weren't going to be 100% for a long time. Izuku then screamed with all the air in his lungs, causing him to gasp for air after it.

There were only two left standing in the room, Tomura and Kurogiri. They were both behind the bar's counter and so they had their space to breath as it seemed that no-one else was allowed back there, Izuku saw this and knew that Kurogiri could just warp him away so he found a soloution. Izuku darted for Kurogiri's body and grabbed hold of what felt like a stomach to him. Izuku then flicked his finger at his head and Kurogiri was knocked out. The flick also moved all the mist out of the way to reveal an unconscous brunette woman. Izuku was confused but he stored that mystery in his brain and got up to fight Tomura. He was met by a hand reaching for his face, so he dodged backwards. Izuku then grabbed a bar stool and chucked it at Tomura so that it would be at an awkward angle to catch. Tomura then put out both hands and Izuku thought he had got him when he heard the sound of a hit, however what came after shocked Izuku. The chair transformed to virtually dust at the points where it was going to hit Tomura. Izuku immediately began to take notes. He now knew that Tomura had a disintigrating quirk linked to his hands and that he preferred to defend in an offensive way rather than dodging. Izuku then threw multiple chairs at Tomura to block his vision and Izuku followed the last chair ready to punch Tomura at 50% OFA. As Izuku expected Tomura was destroying the chairs rather than moving out of the way and he said "Too easy, come on, you were supposed to be as good as All Might and all you can do is throw chairs? Pathetic." As soon as Tomura finished speaking, a really strong punch connected with his stomach and sent him into a wall. He hit it and his body fell to the floor like a scrunched-up ball of paper, ruined and not moving.

Izuku called the police so the villains could get arrested as he knew using his quirk without a license would get him in trouble. He tried to run away when a voice called him. "Come back" Izuku was then hit by a presence of strength as strong, if not stronger, than All Might's but it was scary instead of reassuring. Izuku realized that this must be the nomu maker and came back to ask a few questions. "OK" said Izuku as he walked back to the bar room. Izuku continued "I'm guessing you are both the one who injured All Might and the one who made the nomus. This means you have a lot of power and your original quirk is something to do with quirks. It is most probably the ability to take and give quirks but there are a few other possibilities. Am I right" All For One wasn't phased by Izuku's intelligence and responded "All Might didn't tell you? Well, I guess he doesn't need to teach you anything if you're this smart... God that's some intellect. I have four or five intelligence enhancers and I'm nowhere near your level. However being a hero is harder than being a villain so unless you are much stronger and much smarter than me you have no chance. I'll take my leave now. It's All For One by the way." Izuku replied "Izuku Midoriya". Then AFO forcefully activated Kurogiri's quirk and teleported away to another base. Izuku then heared sirens and jumped back out of the hole in the ceiling and he finally started actually going to Recovery Girl.

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