U.A. Sports Festival (pt 7)

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Izuku reached the library door and swung it open. He rushed to a computer and frantically tried to log in, he only had 10 minutes before his match and finding a decent would take 5 of them. Izuku immediately opened Google Chrome and went to YouTube. From there he put the speed on 2x and watched through footage of the Festival that had been recorded, they were the only ones that could of filmed Shinso and his team seeing as the main-stream media were focused on him, Todoroki and Bakugo.

He eventually found a clip and after watching it over a couple times Izuku saw the conversation that Mashirao was talking about. Izuku saw Shinso open his mouth and as Mashirao began to talk he stopped and went into the formation that Shinso came up with. From this Izuku figured that his quirk was some sort of mind control that required the person to reply or talk to you. Izuku, with this knowledge could easily just knock Shinso out of the ring but... Izuku thought that it would be disrespectful to his oppenent and wouldn't allow him to shine. 

Izuku came up with the plan to get controlled but then break free, this way Shinso would be in the spotlight too, after being controlled Izuku would break free and defeat Shinso without OFA to show off his normal strength too. Izuku then made his way back to the rest of the students and just as he saw his friends he heard "Match 1 participants please go to the preparation rooms where a member of staff will direct you where to go and what to do." Izuku turned round and walked to the rooms thinking 'Well, I suppose they'll get to go through the same experience as everyone else, not knowing that I've got it under control.'

Izuku went to the room and planted a few barriers in his subconscious, the first was to never leave the arena and the second was to do nothing embarrasing, just incase Shinso wanted to go down 'that' route. He was deciding to get controlled to help Shinso but it would also help Izuku and he knew it. Izuku knew that physically there were few who could match him and less, if any, who could actually beat him, which meant that he now neede to strengthen himself mentally. He thought that he could experience a mental 'attack' of sorts from Shinso and if he knew how one felt then he could fight one off better when he is a hero. 

Midnight was back on the stage and she annonced the match's start, "Now we have Izuku Midoriya from our Hero Course, Class 1-A VS Hitoshi Shinso from our General Department, Class 1-C!!" The difference in cheers was easily noticable but Shinso didn't falter after hearing the large support for Izuku, instead he looked at Izuku with scary but determined eyes. Izuku smiled to see someone else who wanted to be a hero as much as him. 

Midnight continued, "Now without further a due, let this match BEGIN!!" Izuku instantly started to walk towards Shinso with no fear and Shinso reacted to this. He said "So Izuku, how does it feel knowing that you could beat me easily because you got lucky with your quirk? How does it feel thinking you're better than me because of an unfair exam? Well, I'm winning this time, you won't win." Shinso knew that what he had said would make anyone who's even slightly cocky respond and though he tried to hide it, a smile appeared on his face. Izuku responded, full well knowing that he would be controlled, in fact, he was counting on it. He said "Watch me."

Shinso was slightly unnerved by the confidence in Izuku's voice but he retrieved his composure when he remembered that Izuku was under his control at this point. Izukuwas now in his own mind but it was good. His brain didn't have to dedicate anything to moving or functioning and 100% of it could be used to think. Izuku felt this power and was overwhelmed, he could function at 1750% of his normal capacity and anything was possible. His brain was functioning so fast that it seemed everything was 100x slower and he had all the time in the world.

Izuku looked around the small area he was in and he saw a door with a padlock. He figured that this was what he had to beat to regain control of himself. There was a small table with a lock picking set on it, Izuku infered that this was the weakness in Shinso's quirk, the way out. Izuku picked them up and began to fiddle, he remembered he had read about lock picking when he was 6 because it seemed cool to him. He began to work and within a minute he had got to the point where just a small push would unlock it and Izuku would regain control.

It had only been one second in the real world so Izuku slowed down his brain so it wouldn't think as fast and time would pass quicker. After that had happened time was moving at a normal rate and Izuku watched what was happening to his body. Izuku's body was now walking towards the edge of the arena just like Shinso had instructed. He got to the edge but the barrier stopped in his tracks and he just stood there, motionless and emotionless.

Shinso was confused and ordered Izuku to leave again but he just stood there. Izuku now took back control of himself and he turned around and started walking towards Shinso. Izuku said "Shinso, I respect you and I can see that you have worked hard and you will work hard to become a hero, because of this I will not use my quirk that you called 'lucky'." Izuku was now at Shinso and he grabbed both of Shinso's shoulders and began to push him towards the edge. Izuku continued "...However, I have worked for months and I have had multiple sleepless nights to get where I am with my quirk, so for you to call it being 'lucky' is an insult to how hard I have worked for my power. You should recognise that anyone high up has worked hard for it and that no-one is gifted because everyone has worked to get where they are and earned their position."

Shinso was in shock at what he had said and he began to question his beliefs. Izuku had driven Shinso to the edge and he now lifted Shinso up by the collar and threw him out. Shinso realised what had happened and his face turned to one of shock and sadness. Izuku offered him a hand back up and he took it. Midnight shouted through the microphone "Izuku Midoriya is the WINNER!!"

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My name is Leo Steven

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