U.S.J Attack (pt 1)

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"On the bus." Izuku said again for the sixth time. He then gave up on being patient and turned to Momo. She had realised his plan and she noded firmly. Izuku asked "Momo can I have some earplugs and she produced some from her palm, two for her, two for Izuku. Izuku then canneled OFA 15% into both his arms and clapped. The sound stunned most people and then they were knocked to the floor by the shockwave. (a bit like the hulk's claps) Momo and Izuku were the only two left standing as they had prepared for it. Then Izuku shouted "Get in the bus" It was a shout but it had no aggression in it, people were still terrified of Izuku getting angry though so everyone scurried onto the bus with their heads down, all except for Bakugo who had been waiting quietly who gave Izuku a small nod as he walked past him.

Izuku and Momo were the last to get on so they took the last two remaining seats and began chatting as the coach began the journey. "Momo, I hope you don't take offence from this but could you explain your quirk in detail to me?" Izuku asked, wanting to add to his growing pile of notes on people in the class. "Ok, my quirk is Creation and it means that I can create anything that I know the atomic configuration of it. I can't create living things but anything non-organic is easy to make. It uses up my body fat to make them so I can't use it infinetly." Momo replied. "OK" Izuku said after scrbiling a few things down in his notepad. "What about the coloured sparks that fly out of you when you make things?" Izuku continued. Momo thought for a second and responded, "I have no idea." Izuku was happy she didn't know as he had already devised a theory. "I think that they could be the leftover fat that was used up, I think you could train not to use up extra fat and then you wouldn't have to eat as much or you could learn how to use fat to create a flash to temporarily blind the enemy. What do you think?" he said. She thought again and said "Yeah, that could be it." Izuku then carried on "I don't quite know what it is like to have your quirk but is it possible for you to put less fat into making an object so that it doesn't use up extra fat?" Momo shrugged and then began to focus on her hand. Slowly a Russian matryoshka doll began to slowly form in her hand with no sparks coming with it. Izuku smiled at Momo and she said "Wow, this will really help, it will take some adjusting until I can do it quickly however soon I will be making thingas with less fat all the time, thanks." izuku barely took notice because he was too excited from the experiment. "Now try to make something and direct way too much fat to it all at once. Momo stopped, closed her eyes and began to focus again, then she oppened them quickly and  a flash temporarily blinded the whole coach, except for Izuku and Aoyama. Izuku because he had turned away and closed his eyes and Aoyama because he was wearing his hero suit shades in an attempt to look cool. (Aoyama is the one with the bellybutton beam incase you didn't know) 

Everyone was now fine, infact Momo suffered the most because even though she had made a welding mask so the light didn't affect her, she was feeling incredibly guilty. She spent the rest of the coach journey walking around and giving formal apologies to everyone in the class individually. She finally finished all the students and she got to Mr. Aizawa, the driver was in another area with a wall dividing the passenger part from the driver part so he was fine. Momo stood awkwardly waiting for him to do something. She then thought that he was ignoring her out of anger so she said "I am terribly sorry for my actions I wasn't thinking about others and I will gladly take any punishment." Momo then stood there, bowing, for a whole ten seconds before straightening out. Then an alarm went of in Mr. Aizawa's direction and he began to get out of his sleeping bag. He stretched and yawned and said "What time is it?" Momo answered "1:30 sir", she was nervous. Mr. Aizawa continued "So, I was asleep for an hour then" then he raised his voice "We'll be there soon so shut up" his voice was loud but he still managed to sound bored of the world and all of it's bullshit.

The students of 1-A ceased all noise, even Izuku was scared of Mr. Aizawa's tendency to expel students left, right and centre. Mr. Aizawa waited a second and said "Good." Everyone sighed in relief and began to whisper to each other. Then they got there, the USJ. They got of the bus to be greeted by Thirteen. Izuku's inner fanboy was almost released but he managed to hide his excitment. They walked into the centre and Thirteen began to explain what they were supposed to be doing today, emphasis on the "supposed to part". Thirteen began the explanation, "Today you will be rescueing "people" from dangerous situations and in different types of areas, that is why the USJ was built, it stands for Unforeseen Simulation Joint, it has six different environments. However more on those later, there will be a simulated incident, for example an earthquake or tornado, you will be tasked with saving the "people" from anything dangerous and escorting them to that area's designated safe zone. Everyone got that?" People began nodding and then a dark purple portal opened up in the centre of the USJ building. Everyone had now seen it and Izuku was the first to react. Izuku shouted "Everyone, this is clearly planned so communications are down and the exits are definetly blocked. Therefore, we will have to fight them off. There are six zones, listen out for one where your quirk works best and go to it. 

The zones are as follows:

Ruins Zone: Located in the northeast, this zone simulates a destroyed urban environment, with buildings found in precarious conditions.

Landslide Zone: Located to the east, this zone simulates sloped terrain with building remains.

Mountain Zone: Located to the south, this zone simulates a rocky, mountainous area, filled with cliffs.

Conflagration Zone: Located to the southwest, this zone simulates a urban environment that is constantly on fire.

Flood Zone: Located to the west, this zone simulates a maritime environment. It contains a ship as well as a waterslide.

Downpour Zone: Located to the northwest, this zone simulates an urban environment that is constantly hit by heavy rainfall and strong winds.

Now, everyone... GGGOOOOOOO!" Izuku figured shouting the last part would make most people react and start moving. He had known they were going to the USJ because he wrote the letters for it and so he had studied the place. What he just recieted was the description of the place on it's official website word for word. People began to run and Izuku smiled at his achievement. He then walked over to the teachers and said "This is property where students are allowed to use their quirks in lessons because it classifies as a part of the school if you legally let the lesson continue then no-one can be sued and this whole thing is legal on our end. The only people facing consequence would be the villains at the end of this." Mr. Aizawa looked to Thirteen (she was always better at the legal side of things) and she was nodding. He turned back and said "The lesson is still going technically so fight them." Izuku noded and instead of going to the zone that suited him he made a beeline for the centre, the place with the most villains and the leaders. Mr. Aizawa saw this and was initially was worried but then thought about Izuku's power and intellect and knew he had it covered, he then darted towards the nearest zone to protect his students.

Izuku walked over to the villain leader and said "Hello there"

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