Combat Training (pt 2)

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(Imagine that Izuku is wearing what he is wearing on the cover)  

All Might began "Today you will be in teams of two and you will fight each other in a heros vs villans situation. The villan team will be allowed 5 minutes in the building to set up and hide their bomb, the hero team will then be let in and they have to either capture the villans in that tape" he pointed at the tape on the ground "or touch the bomb." All Might waited a second for the class to digest the information they were just given and then he continued "The teams will be drawn from lots so lets get started." Izuku walked over to Iida just as he was about to put up his hand and stopped him. Izuku whispered "The reason it's random is because in real life we would work with random heros at the scene." Iida was stunned that Izuku knew he was about to raise his hand but he thought about what Izuku said and then he noded at Izuku in thanks for stopping him from messing up again. All Might started back up again "Okay in team A we will have... Young Midoriya and... Young Bakugo." The both of them gave a small nod of acknowledgement and then then they walked over to each other and stood in silence. Then he explained some other teams and then All Might read out "Young Iida and... Young Uraraka are team E"

(The rest are canon and I don't want to write them out)

All Might continued with no break, "Now, to decide who will fight who we will also do lots, the fist teams fighting will be team... A vs team... E." After this Izuku and Bakugo stopped listening and finally began to talk to each other. Izuku started "Ochako loves me and so she will try to fight you not me, we can use this to our advantage. Seeing as she doesn't want to hurt me we can make me fight her so she won't fight at 100% or we can use the fact that she wants to fight you more and lure her into a trap." Bakugo noded through most of Izuku had just said and he asked "Are you sure she loves you?" and this recieved a confident/cocky nod from Izuku. "The plan is to use the fact that we both have good mobility to really help us. I was thinking we could both make it to the roof and work down because they will expect us to come through the front. I figure they will have one guarding the bomb and the other one on the level below where they placed the bomb. As soon as either of us find the bomb we'll alert the other and then we'll come at the bomb from either sde, whoever's guarding it will have no chance and the teammate will still be on the level below, it's fool-proof."Bakugo responded by saying "Yeah, chances are they'll have Ochako by the bomb as her quirk is better as a defensive one." Izuku thought for a second and then agreed with his teammate. "Okay time's up for the villans, heros are allowed in." All Might shouted through the speakers. Izuku and Bakugo both squatted and Izuku's body began to glow red. The two of them immediately launched up and landed on the roof. Everyone, apart from All Might and Momo, were suprised by this smart idea and some of them even said that that's what they're gong to do when it's their turn.

Izuku and Bakugo had collectively searched the top 3 floors and only the bottom two were left. They both met up and decided that Bakugo would run down the stairs and striaght for the bomb while Izuku would sneak in through the window and touch it while Ochako was distracted by Bakugo. They carried out the plan and Bakugo was at the stairwell and Izuku was hanging out the side of the building. Thanks to the cameras at the training centre everyone could see Izuku through the screens in the basement. Bakugo shouted "GO!" and Izuku began to jump down to the window below when he remembered something.



End of Flashback/Memory--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Izuku was still falling as he thought 'Iida will be there too. 1)He cares about her so he will stay with her to protect her. 2)He knows how smart I am so he probably predicted that i'd come up with a clever plan like coming in through the roof and down. 3)He also knows that I'd come up with a clever plan like me and Bakugo splitting up and he knows that I have the strength and mobility to come through the window. Conclusion: Iida will be waiting by the window when I come down to it. Soloution: Break through the window instead of trying to sneak through it, Iida has a tendency to stand up striaght so if I go roughly 3 and a half feet up then I should hit his stomach and wind him. This will cause me to get into the room quicker than Bakugo but I have a 90% chance of taking out one of their team so it's definetly worth it.' Izuku then corrected himself in the air to be in a good position to swing in through the window and he grabbed ont the window ledge above him, causing him to swing towards the window at a phenomenal speed. Izuku then actavated OFA full cowling 10% so he could easily break the window and then his feet connected with Iida's stomach after breaking through the glass. Izuku got one good look at Iida's face as suprise and fear appeared on it and he smirked. 

Izuku got up and dusted himself off just in time for Ochako to send 5 wooden boxes at him, Izuku didn't have enough time to dodge but he could just about get his arm up in time to stop anything hitting his head. Three of them connected with his arm and two with his chest and he didn't move for a second. Down in the control room Mineta said "Wow, his strength quirk is super cool, I wish i'd gotten a quirk that cool when I was four." Momo looked him dead in the eye and said "He didn't use his quirk just now." Mineta responded with "WHAAAT?!" Momo answered him "Any time he even uses a low percentage of his quirk his veins glow red, now, think about it, did you see his veins glow?" Mineta responded to the rhetorical question with "No, no they didn't" Momo shook her head at the fact he responded to the question but she still continued "Which means he didn't use his quirk for that, he just took three wooden boxes to one arm and two to the chest." Eijiro (Kirishima) added in "So manly..."

Izuku had now started to move again, his arm was bleeding badly and his chest was hurting badly, he estimated three bruised ribs. He saw Ochako immediately regret her actions as she had hurt who she loved and she was about to walk over to him to apologise when an explosion hit her back and sent her flying towards Izuku. She expectd him to catch her and she started to get giddy at the thought of him holding her but instead he jumped out of the way of her flying body. She hit the wall at an alarming speed and was knocked unconscous. "You okay?" Bakugo asked with real concern in his voice. "I suspect I have three bruised ribs and the severe cuts on my arm are visible, so overall my response is... i'll live" Izuku responded with the same monotone voice that he usually speaks to his former bully in. Bakugo said in response "Look, I know I was mean in the past but I swear i'll be nicer to you now, so open up to me if you can, please. Even with a quirk like Super Detective Izuku was completely shocked at the young boy's complete flip from an angry mess to a caring friend in the space of a year. "Okay Ka-chan" Izuku said with genuine excitment in his voice. Bakugo groaned, "Do you have to call me that?" Bakugo asked in a pleading tone. Izuku's face turned deadly serious and he looked Bakugo in the eye, "Yes, yes I do Ka-chan" Izuku said before laughing at the concerned face of Bakugo. Bakugo let out a small smile and they walked back down to the basement.

(Sorry if you don't like the idea of Bakugo being friendly to Izuku but he's still pissed off and annoyed at everyone else so he still shouts bad insults)

Ina bit

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