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Marakaito: can I get a waffle

Checkmate: *pushes orbit onto the counter, beginning to hit her repeatedly against the wood*

Marakaito: can I please get a waffle?

P.W.: Peri stop

Peridoh: *kicks the air*

P.W.&Mizu: Peri stop!

Peridoh: *keeps kicking the air*

P.W.: your gonna get in trouble!

Peridoh: *has hands on head in next shot with the police surrounding her*

Strider: *looks around* yep.

Strider: *picks up bucket and examines it* this is a bucket.

Peridoh: what's your name?

Checkmate: my name is viridia with a B

Peridoh: stop stop- where's the B?

Checkmate: ThErEs A bEe?!?

Orion: *holding strider, who is extremely drunk, walking home in the rain*

Strider: iM waShiNg mE aNd mY cLotHes

Checkmate: what is wrong with him?

Orion: he's drunk as fuck

Strider: biTchH! iM wAshIn mE anD mY cLoTHeS

Gold: *looking at checkmate*

Gold: Stop saying I look like chicken little! Chicken little is dumb and he's a coward! And I'm NOT a COWARD.

West: I wanna be a cowboy baby

Eurus: hell yeah

West: *holding onto a spinny playground toy with eurus, which is spinning* I wanna be a cowboy baby

Bennett: so I'm sittin there, barbecue sauce on my tiddies

Leon: *starts dying with laughter*

Yushiro: what are you doing?

Honeybee: my eyebrows

Yushiro: that's a huge ass mirror

Honeybee: well I have huge ass eyebrows.

Hester: it's summer, I've got my hat on backwards and I'm ready to party. *hits head on low down garage slidey door thingy*

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