chapter 1

330 11 2

Riley's pov

" oh my god april just stop!" i roll my eyes at my best friend. we haven't been getting along lately. it bothers me. " damn it riley ! why don't you just run off with your boyfriend. you never give a fuck about me!" is she doing this right now? " ross has nothing to do with this. why do you always blame him ?" i ask . " BECAUSE IT FEELS LIKE HE IS TAKING MY- NO , ITS BECAUSE HE IS TAKING MY PLACE !" she screams at me . " THATS IT APRIL. LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS. ALL YOU DO IS TALK SHIT ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND. THATS IT !!!!! I CAN;T STAND IT ANYMORE!!" " then leave" she commands. " what?" " leave. go away. cause im sure as hell not fighting with you anymore. i hate ross. so now i hate you . i never wanna see you again . now go " no no no no no . " your kicking me out ?" i huff. she shrugs. by now i was streaming down tears. " WELL THEN I WILL TELL ROCKY YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM!" i yell and stomp out the door. " I WAS GONNA DO THAT ANYWAY " she yells after me. i run to my boyfriends house. ross can help . he always helps. i run down the street to his house

Ross's pov

there was a loud knock on my door and since i was the only one home i went to answer it. i opened the door and arms wrap around me immediatly . " riley ? riley whats wrong?" i ask worried. " a-april b-broke up with me " she cries. " april? you mean she's not your friend anymore? but you guys were so close. " i frown. " well you know how we kept fighting because she was moving to san frinsico ?" she sniffles. i nod " i thought you guys would work it out " she shakes her head. " but it doesn't matter anymore because she broke off our friendship. " she frowns. that reminds me of holly. im so glad that never happened between us. not that i ever told her. so that never happened. " babe maybe its for the best. you know what they say. when one door closes another one opens. " she nods. " thanks babe " i kiss her softly. " is there anything else bothering you ?"i ask caringly wondering if there is anything else bothering my best friend and girlfriend . " well i did get a little more hate mail today ." she shrugs and looks down . " babe, you just have to live your life not caring what they think and shake off the drama and prove to then that your better then they think you are. your beautiful riley . no one could be better than you " she giggles. " say that again i want it to be my new ringtone. i smile as she pulls out her phone

Holly's pov 

i walk through the airport to the bathroom. i brought a change of clothes - a manager's outfit - . if im going to see my bestfriend that is so famous now. i have to be prepared. when i walk out i call a cab . " to the home of ross lynch please " i ask. " no fans aloud anywhere else i can take you ?" he asks. " im sorry i am a member of the ...... of the S.S.I and i have a meeting with mr. lynch . " i fake. i am an awesome actress! he's not sold on it but he drives me there anyways. " here you go " i get out. " yea thanks bye " he drives off. the house i stand in front of is white. its a normal house. its very pretty too. stormie has great taste. i take a huge breath and walk up to the house. i knock on the door. here goes nothing

Ross's pov

riley finishes her recording and the door suddenly knocks. our heads both snap to the door. " who could that be i thought everyone was busy " she asks. " i don't know i did to " we slowly stand up. i make my way to the door and see a dirty blonde girl with green eyes and a professional uniform. i open the door. " can i help you?" she seems so familiar. " rossy?" she asks. my face lights up " hollister " i wrap my arms around her in a big bare hug

Holly's pov


Riley's pov

ok its not awkward watching MY boyfriend hug someone he never told me about and i never knew. haha total sarcasm

Ross's pov

" holly what are you doing here ?" i ask her. " i came to see you " i smile. " but you never have since i moved why now?" i question. we pull away . " we'll i don't know if this sounds crazy but i had this realistic dream that-" riley clears her throught cutting off holly. " babe do you want to introduce me to your friend? thats a girl?" she asks. " don't be jealous ri. she's my old friend from colorado " i laugh. her face softens. " come here " i open my arm so she can come into my side. " riley this is holly. holly this is my girlfriend riley " she holds out her hand. " hi . i knew ross would have a girlfriend by now. he is the funniest , nicest , sweetest boy ever. you've got a keeper " riley smiles. " you got that right , wanna come in . i wanna show this ringtone i recored of him" she giggles. " of course" the girls go in and leave me in shock. i can't help be feel weird butterflies seep into my stomach when she said that. old feelings are coming back 

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