chapter 6

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Ross's pov

i just stand there not knowing what to do. i made holly cry ! i made holly cry! i felt like crying too. what is happening ? why ? i hate holly she ruined my girlfriends feelings. suddenly i get a phone call and i step outside. i had no where else to go . " hello?" i ask. " babe i need to tell you something " riley seemed so panicked. " what is it?" i ask . she takes a deep breath." i lied about holly hurting my feelings. i just don't want you seeing her. im so sorry " my world litterly felt like crashing . it suddenly hit me. " riley i'll deal with you when i get home " i hang up and back inside. i rush beind the counter where holly was . she was slowly calming down. i did the un thinkable. i hugged her. that always made it better when we were kids. she yensed up and kicked me . HARD . " WHAT THE FUCK ROSS. "she screams. that suprised me. we had everybody staring now. some people even video taped it . i knew this would affect my career later. but i will deal with that when the time comes. " i am so sorry holly. riley just told me she lied about you doing something to her. i acted like a jerk and im sorry . i thought if i hugged you it would make it better like when we were kids " i blurt. she looked hurt. " im not a kid anymore. im 18 . and i don't want to accpet your damn apology because you didn't have to traet me like shit . but you did anyways. its like i didn't even matter . just your stupid little girlfriend riley . you want something to be mad about? your girlfriend is a complete wack a doodle! she's a big fat bitch ! she lied to my face . she lied to yours and every single lynch . there now i just trashed your girlfriend and its most likely gonna end up on the internet your welcome lynch ! " she yells . i frown . this turned into a big scene. " what are you doing in california ?" i ask softly. " i came here to see you. now i just wasted all my money . i got a job to pay for a ticket to return home. " she narrowed her eyes. then she pushes me out from behind the counter and points to a sign. " no customers behind the counter " she reads . i felt so humiliated . but i deserved it . " holly . i am sorry i caused all this mess. so here . im gonna do this for you " i pour the coffee i bought onto of my head. " okay common sir " the guy beside her , who had an amazing british accent by the way , took my arm and lead me out . " whats your name?" i ask him. " andy " he lets go of me and walks back into the shop. i look through the window. andy was talking to holly. she nodded and hung her head. she left and returned with a mop . she looked towards me with a frown on her face. i tried to smile for her. but she just ignored me and looked down begging to mop the mess i made away.i felt so bad i started crying . i slid down the glass and started crying which is crazy. ross shor lynch never cries. but he is now 

Holly's pov.

"are you okay " andy asks . i nod and hang my head. " im gonna go get a mop." i go backa nd return to mop up the mess. i saw ross out the window looking in like a lost cat . i tried his best to smile. i just looked back down and silently cry to myself . why do i have to love him. the customers were gone by now any kicked them away from our little scene. i dropped the mop un did my waist apron. (uniform : blue old time watrise dress, white and blue waist apron , diner like outfit) i dropped and ran out of the shop to ross. he was crying i had to go out there. he looked up at me confused. "i hate you ross." i mutter and sit next to him. " i hate you for making me love you " i give him a big side hug and he hugged back. "i-i don't u-unerstand " he says between gasps . " i love you . your the one who always stood by me . you made a complete fool of yourself ross. you made a fool for me " i tell him he nods. " i know " he slightly smiles. " riley doesn't want me to talk to you . or hang out with you or-" i cover his mouth to make his shut up. " i know. i just don't want us to hold a grudge when we're apart " i hug him one last time . " goodbye ross." i stand up and walk back inside leaving him there. " andy . can we take a walk ?" i ask . he nods. silvia enters on just the right timing. " question why is there a boy out side looking like a lost puppy?" she asks. " long story tell you later !" i grab andy's arm and pull him toward my room. i close the door on him and change into dark skinny jeans a white flowy tank top shirt , white flip flops and i grab some sunglasses. when i open the door i see that andy changed too. i grab his arm and run out the door laughing with him. ross looked so sad as we ran by him . i ignored him and kept running . his phone started ringing which made him stop and i stopped with him. " hello? "

Andy's pov

" hello?" i ask into the phone . " andy you know i love you right " it was lucy. " yea i know " i nod. " im breaking up with you. my dad doesn't think we should be together and i trust him. please forgive me " i take everything in. " ok . " " your not mad ?" she asks. " if we're not right , we're not right. i trust your dad's opinion. he's a great man with a beautiful daughter" i tell her. " and thats why i love you " she sighs. " i love you to lucelia . we can still be friends right ?" i ask . " of course. hey i gotta go my dad wants me to go shopping with my mom " she says . " ok bye " " bye " she hangs up . " whats the matter?" holly asks with her eyes sparkiling like always . " lucy broke up with me "

Ross's pov

SO THEY'RE NOT DATING!!!! THATS AWESOME!!!! what am i saying? im with riley . right?

Holly's pov

" aww andy im sorry " i give him a hug . " its fine . i still have you " i giggle . " 

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