Chapter 2 Blossoming Morning

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Ethan's  P O V

How odd. I wake up on the floor, next to my rickety bed. I lift my self up, and walked to my cabinet. I changed my appearance from just a white dirty shirt, into a clean and respectful brown coat, with black pants, and of course shiny black shoes.I am the son of the second popular hospital. The only reason why the hospital got top second was because of the sympathy the people gave to my father. And me. People think that just because I had lost my mother, then it was there cue to start sympathy me and my father.

I just wanted a day to myself, and the next thing I knew, I had lost my mother.... in a blossoming night.

Anyways, I shake my head to forget those nightmares I keep getting of mother and head to my car. I start the engine and I drive ahead of me. I stop at a red light and glance over to my right and see a woman. A woman wearing a red cloak; covering most of her face, except for her bright red lips. I can see as two locks of her hair was showing; it was dark brown.

I wondered why she was covering her face. Did she have some sort of scar? Or.. is she just shy?
I look away as she notices me glancing at her. I feel something I haven't felt in a long while ; regret.
I hear a little giggle. I resist myself from looking at her again. Although, I wonder what her eye looks like?..

The light turns green and I drive north. The woman walked south, for she came from east. I think out loud as I drive with control," what a stupid girl, don't get yourself so cough up to a girl, Ethan! You have a job! "

I keep driving until I hear my engine breaking down. Shit! I thought I filled it up this morning!  I groan with disappointment as let my fingers raise my hair up. I then, quickly get out of the car stomping. I open the back storage of the car and get out a green jacket and a blue hat.

I quickly hid behind a tree with a weird swirl in the middle of it, and the time I came out, I seemed as a different person. A stranger. I walk ahead to my car. I take out my phone and as I was about to call for an engineer,

I see two grave stones placed neatly against a blossom tree. I gaze at the grave stones, as one of them was behind the other. I walk towards the blossoming tree and see as right in front of graves, were picked daisies.

I smirk and scoffed, as the tree was the same tree where my mother died in front of. The graves didn't have her name on it. I kicked the daisies and walk forward again away from the tree. I glance one time at the tree behind me, and I see the daisies flying in the air.

I widened my eyes, as I putted my phone back into my pocket. The same woman I saw at the red light stop. Was there, shocked at my reaction to the daisies.

I felt a lump of guilt and shame as I see her green eyes fill with tears.

And, I wish I didn't hear her speak. Her voice breaking,

"What did they do to you, to deserve THAT?!"

I swallowed my pride and once again..


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