Chapter 4 ~ Marriage ~

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" No.. it's just.." He started, " 'NO' WHAT?!" I kept my voice up and my eyes frowning at the man with such spite. GOSH HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO CARELESS?!, I think.

" My mother died in front of the same tree.. I just felt disappointed.. sorry.." He explained.

"what?" I say. I had just forgotten why I was mad at him.

Ethan's P O V

I repeat at the red cloaked woman as she looked more confused that upset from before.

" My mother die-

"I heard the first time. I just don't understand..?" She interrupted. I had raised my eyebrow at her in confusion.

She looked down rubbing her forehead until she looked back up and frowned at me, again.

Geez, didn't I already said sorry?, I think. She seemed more tense, then she spoke in a calm voice; still frowning.

"Even if you are angry, you shouldn't act selfish and throw your anger on someone even on a something. You have to think about your behavior before you act. For people don't see things as it is , they see things as who they are"

I'm not even gonna lie, but that last part caught me off guard. T-that was what she said before.., I wonder.

I stare at the woman blankly as I seem to find myself in a field of flowers, and the woman turning into another woman; turned around and I can see her cooper hair and blue eyes. Her spring floral dress flowing in the wind as her smile grows on her face and shines in the dim sunlight. Her motherly smile. 

My late mother reaches out her hand for me and warmly says; giving me the feeling to cry, "Come back to me"

I walk slowly to her, and it seems the closer I get, the younger I become.

12 years old.. 10 years old.. 7 years.. and now 5 years old.. I had lost her when I was 5..

I run to her as I was only a few feet away from her, surprisingly, I didn't change my appearance of being 5. I hug her tightly and she smiled down on me and lifts my chin up with her hands on my cheeks. She crouches down to my shortness and kisses my forehead. I smile, crying in happiness to see her calm face.

I lose my smile as I end up seeing my mother's calm face disappearing. I can feel myself turning back into an adult and feel someone's  else's  small body in my arms. Who? I don't know.

I pull away and see a red faced woman with her red cloak and her hood up. I stare at her bright green eyes. Her dark chocolate hair shining bright in the sunlight. 

What did you just do?! 

How am I supposed to know?!

I only look at her blankly as she seems to be blushing red from my unintentional act to hug her. 

She raises her hand and places her palm over her mouth. She looks up to me and asks, "Why did you hug me?" I look away and look back at her, " I didn't mean to" She looks at me like I'm an idiot. I seem more confused, and she frowns again!


I frown back. She seems surprised. She frowns again and opens her mouth, but I interrupt without realizing, I speak out my thoughts.

" Why are you so mad? " She widens her eyes; again, surprised. She puts her hand away from her mouth and rests it next to her hip. I wait impatiently for her to response. My hands turn into fists. She sees my fists and breaths in and out. 

She's.. scared.. how cut-


I shake my head and sign. Only to realize what I have done and try to play it out to safety. I lock eyes with her and speak again, "What's your name?" She looks up at me more confused. 

" What? Who tells a stranger?" 

" A friend is just a stranger you haven't met yet." I say and she doesn't seem to move her anger at me. I sigh and check my pocket, only to take out a $50. I hand it to her and she seems to be surprised. 

" Take this and forget about me hugging you." I say, calmly. I pray that she would cooperate. She stares back at the money after looking at me in confusion. She grins.  

"No." She crosses her arms. 

"Why not? It's $50! Who says no to $50?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"I'll admit, the money is  tempting, but if it would come to a bargain, then I choose the bargain. Got it?" She smirks at me, mischievously.  I sigh and nod at her; putting away the money back in the pocket.  

She has her eyes sparkle and smile from ear to ear. "Marry my cousin!" 


" No." Is all I was able to let out my mouth from my shock.


Not even if it was the end of the world!



I sit on a chair as a paper with bold letters that makes me quiver, show on top of it.

"Certificate of Marriage"

Well shit. I am getting married, and the RED CLOAKED GIRL IS LAUGHING AT MY SORRY ASS BESIDE ME.

On my right side is a slightly fat woman with red lips and brown eyes. Her hair is blond and she is wearing a wedding dress. I hate this day. Many man hate this day. MARRIAGE DAY. 


See, I planned my life as a teenager. Other teens say, " I'm gonna be a rock star!" and other useless things. I barely think as a emotional teenage wreck. I think as a grown CEO. It's not my fault. My father keeps me from doing useless things that may- no ARE distractions to my future. 

SNAP SNAP! " Hey! Will you sign up already?!" I hear a deep voice from my right. I turn and see the hag- I mean wife. I already hate this.  She was snapping her fingers in front of me. SNAP SNAP! I push her fingers away from my eyes with my hand that is holding the pen. 

I sigh and look down as she looked angry at me. Mostly impatient. I see her signature. Messy cursive.



Her names Megan Red. Now that I think about it.. what is her name? 

I look over to my left and see the cloaked woman silently waiting for me to sign. Patient, I think.

I look back at the certificate and sign it. 


Ethan Will.

So white. I noticed.

Megan seems joyful and hugs me and kisses my right cheek. I fake a smile. She believes it, and smiles back. 


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