Chapter 8 - Adult's Spirits

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She answers me with such spite in her words, I can feel all her hate coming out to me.



Audrey's P O V

As I walk away, pushing Ethan's shoulder from my path, my mind is filled with feelings.

Embarrassment, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, and so much more that keeps coming and cramming my head with a huge migraine.

I turn to another wall and go inside an empty patient's room, I sit down on the comfortable bed, crumbling the white sheet of paper under me. I let my mind go wild, as I get a gut feeling that I should get out of this room.

Probably a patient is gonna come in.

I ignore my guts and let whomever come in this room. I had lost my confidence for today anyways. As the door was opening, it was creaking slowly into my nerves. My head was getting worse. I sat up with rage written all over my face, "WHO?!"

My eyes narrow down to the person and it needs up as a small man. I let my eyes rest normally and heave out a long sigh.

"What do you want Charles?"

" I can't help but wonder, that you might be in stress right now."

"Might be?"

" So, you are?"

Sigh," Yes, apparently so."

He looks back out the door, " Would you like me to get Megan for you?"

I grin," Sure, you can get your girlfriend~"

His face turns red,"How dare you! She's a married woman,and I would never ruin her relationship with her husband!"

"Sure, I mean it's not like he doesn't seem husband material, but I don't think she's that comfortable with him." His eyes narrow down to a frown," Did he hurt her?"

"Who did?"
"Her husband." I lean back on the wall behind me,"Oh, Ethan Will! Yeah pretty sure."
His eyes were giving signs of anger. I couldn't help but laugh. He seems surprised then it hit him, I've been joking this whole time.

Sigh, " you're exhausting Audrey!" He pinches his nose in disappointment. I keep laughing until I stare down on the floor; eyes dull and can feel Charles's concern on me. His eyes drilling a hole in my forehead. It's very obvious. 

He tries to change the mood, " well, haha.. I can't even bring Megan to you if I don't know where she is."

I shake my head,"did you check her office?"
I shrug. "Probably busy with work in the other building.." He nods.

~~~~~~~~~ Later on

Afterwards I just leave him alone. Charles knows not to annoy me in any means necessary. Unless some weird magic starts, but that's not impossible.. ain't it?

You've re-watched Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts too many times.

Yeah I do.

I walk along the isles and notice that Megan.. is nowhere to be found.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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