Chapter 9: Jasper

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"Her family owe me their lives. And I've come to collect."

"No!" I gasp. "No." My heart wrenches.

"You opinion is irrelevant. You're just a human."

"So is he." I motion to my brother.

"No. He is a human fuelled by the will of the Devil herself." Lilith gestures to herself.

"You're scaring me. Please."

"You're easily scared. You were scared of your 'Aunt Hazel' and 'Bryce'. That fight was pathetic, by the way." I gape at her. "My, you're very innocent."

"Just stop, please. That doesn't matter. Just let Melody live. I've never even told her I love her."


"I will die. Please, take my life instead of theirs. Please, Lilith."

"Address me as Your Majesty, if at all."

"Your Majesty, please. I am begging you. Just let them live."

"Jasper. Darling. With all respect, are you really that naïve?"

"No. I'm not. But I'm in love with Melody. I am so in love with her. She's my waking and sleeping thought. I need her more than I need air."

"Can I test that?" Says Lilith drily.

"Yes." I say firmly. "If you spare her. I'm begging you, and there are no measures for the things I will do for you. Just spare their lives."

"You make a good case. But I've waited 16 years for this moment, and even if it is only half of the moment, it will be good enough for me." She smiles, displaying perfectly neat white teeth. "I won't be starved of my prize. Our prize." She flicks her eyes toward Jaidon, who stands there, zombified by his owner's presence.

"Can I let you on in a little secret?" She stage-whispers.

"What?" I say.

"I'm going to kill your brother after he's killed Melody."

"You're not going to kill Melody." I say, diving in front of her lifeless body.

"You're right, I'm not. Your brother is." She looks at me with total concentration, and she starts shrinking.

I frown, and it takes me a moment to realise she isn't shrinking, but I'm about 20 feet above the ground. I start struggling, and kicking about. It has no effect. I start screaming obscenities at Lilith and Jaidon. He steps forward, lifting Melody from the floor to a stand. She stirs, shaking her head. Whatever hold was over me drops and I catapult through the air, landing in the pool. I sink down about 6 feet, and I realise how deep the pool is at this end. I swim up as fast as I can, my clothes dragging me down. My head breaks the surface.

Jaidon smiles at me, though there's no humour in it. He shoves my head back in the water, and my breath explodes in an arc of bubbles. I swear into the water, and then his hand doesn't reach down far enough, and I'm free. I swim up, further away, and climb out before he can kill me. I start forward for him, Lilith watching with an amused expression. He grabs Mel's shoulder and moves her in front of him. She's too out of it to do anything, she must be concussed, though the clouded look in her eyes is fast disappearing.

I look at Melody, in her ripped leggings and my favourite green shirt. I look at her hair, looped into a knot on top of her head, wisps falling around her stunning face. I look at the way her lips lift in a tiny smile, and I wish we had more time. More time for me to take her to see that movie she didn't even want to see, to kiss her under the stars, to love her like she deserves. I'd never even considered marrying someone before, but if I were to do so, it would be her.

I wish I had more time before the first scream rings out. And then Lilith is there. Her hands on either side of my head, forcing me to look at my sweet Melody. Her scream echoes off the rock walls, and I can hear Lilith's sigh of happiness as her lifeless body thumps when it hits the floor.

She releases me, and calls Jaidon to her. I stagger to Melody, sinking to my knees, and pulling her body to mine. Blood slowly leaks all over my shirt and hers, and her breath is faint on my cheek.

"You're a monster. You are a monster. She never did anything." My voice breaks on the last word, and I sniff hard, brushing tears away. "You're a monster, Lilith. You killed her parents. Left her with nothing, and now you take her too? You can't take her from me. You can't take her. I won't let you." I sob.

"Jasper. I already have." She says casually. Melody coughs, her body spasming. I hold her closer.

"Melody?" I say. "Melody, I hope you can hear me, I love you. I love you. I always did. I know I never told you you. I love you, always have and always, always will. Please, don't leave me. Please, please, don't leave me. I need you. I need you so much, you can't leave me. Don't leave me. You can't go. Don't go. Please. It'll be okay, just don't go. Please don't go." I sob into her chest, shaking with love and terror and hope. "I can't do this without you. I need you, Melody please, please don't leave me without you, please don't go. I'm begging you. I'm begging you not to go." My body wracked with sobs, I look down at her.

She's already gone.

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