Chapter One

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I woke up with a headache. Not unusual. I didn't want to wake up, but tough luck I guess. I laid there on my back, just staring at the ceiling. I didn't want to move. Every day is the exact same, why bother? There's nothing new that will ever happen. I will never make a difference in this world, so why move? 

I would've just stayed there all day, if it weren't for Edd. He walked in, and looked at me for a moment, probably trying to decide if I were asleep, or dead.

"Tom, are you awake?" Edd said, softly, but still loud enough to hear. I decided to just ignore him to see what he would do. I closed my eyes quickly, and evened out my breathing, as Edd walked over. He poked me a little bit. I didn't move.

"Tom. Wake up." Edd said loudly. I pretended to just barely wake up.

"Edd?" I said. My voice sounded like I just woke up. That's good. I looked at the time. 9:52.

"It's too early Edd.." I said, putting a pillow over my face. I still had a hangover from last night, so waking up early, and being talked to was not on my plans today.

"Tom. You can't just sleep all day. All you ever do is drink, and sleep. You. Need. To. Get. It. Together." Edd said, sternly. I sat up, and looked him in the eyes. I did have the same old, dull, routine. Some change would be nice.

"Was there another reason you woke me up? Or was it just to make me feel bad about myself." More than usual. Edd's eyes widened in realization. Was he going to apologize? No. 

"We're going on a cruise in like, five days, so get your things together by then." Edd walked to the door. "Also, breakfast is ready." He then walked out, and shut the door behind him.

I wasn't talking about this big of a change. I meant like, going to the mall every once in a while, or occasionally drinking a different flavor of Smirnoff. Guess this will have to do. I finally got out of bed, after telling myself to do so for twenty minutes. I walked over to the small mirror by my door that Matt insisted I have, just in case he ever needs to come into my room. My reflection showed a tired man. My eyes had dark bags under them. Usual. My eyes, big, black, empty, sockets. Usual. My hair was a mess, going in every direction. Also usual. I couldn't fix my hair, even if I really tried. I quit looking in the mirror, and walked into the living room.

Matt, Tord, and Edd, were there, all ready for the day, whereas I was still in my pajamas that were way to big for me. I was wearing my gray 'asdf' shirt, and over sized checkered bottoms. The feet of the pants dragged on the floor as I walked. I took a glance toward the others, and walked into the kitchen. I looked at the food on the table. Pancakes. Eggs. I'm assuming there was bacon, but Edd and Tord probably fought over it. I turned and walked to go back into my room, because I wasn't hungry. 

"Still alive, Jehovah?" Tord said, from the living room. I didn't look at him.

"Barely." I said, and didn't wait for a reply. I walked back into my room to wallow in sadness, self-pity, and misery.

-Time Skip.


Jehovah walked back into his room. I glanced at Edd, who was looking down at his hands. He was probably worried for the idiot, and I have no clue why.  How are Matt, and Edd even friends with that stupid Brit? I looked out the window, and saw big, dark, clouds coming our way. It was going to rain soon.

I got up, and walked to the door. I looked at the umbrellas, and grabbed my red one. I was about to open it, when Edd spoke up.

"Where are you going?"

"Just walking around." I said, honestly.

"Be careful." I nodded, and opened the door. I walked outside, and opened my umbrella. I could hear the soft patter of rain on my umbrella. I could smell the wet concrete, and earthy smell of rain. I just kept walking. Occasionally I would see a puddle, but made sure to avoid it.

I found myself at the park. It was empty, and cold. There wasn't anything there. Just an empty playground, and a pond, with thousands of small ripples, from the raindrops, hitting the surface of the water. I sighed, and looked up at the sky. It was darkening. It was going to be night soon. It feels like I just woke up. I turned around, because I wasn't about to get mugged. 

As the house came into view, there was a certain blue figure, just laying on the grass. I glanced down at him, he has his eyes- Or pathetic excuse for eyes, open. Water was gathering in his eyes, like little buckets.

"Still alive?"


"Doesn't that bother you?" I asked him.


"The water, gathering in your 'eyes'." I used air quotations for the word eyes.

"Not really." I shrugged, and walked inside. I closed my umbrella and put it back into it's rightful place. almost locked the door, leaving Jehovah out there to get sick, but Edd stopped me.

"Tom's still out there." I looked at him.

"I know." Edd narrowed his eyes at me, but then softened them. He was probably going to say something like 'can't you two get along?' or 'just be nice for one day.' but instead, he said

"I'm worried about him." 

He then turned, and went back to doing his own things. I looked out the window again, and I could just barely see Tom's face. He sat up, and all the water poured out of his eyes, and onto his blue hoodie. I laughed at him, because now he's soaked. 

Tom's misery is my happiness. I'm an army leader. Unlike Edd, I don't worry about him.

You need to reap what you sow.

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