Chapter Nine

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My army is taking longer than I thought they would to rescue me. I thought I'd either be in London or Norway atone of my bases, but apparently not.

It's been about a week since we've been stuck here, and recently Tom has been acting very strange. He'll randomly shiver, he'll curl up into a little ball by putting his knees up to his chest, sometimes he'll just run into the forest for hours, and won't come back for a long time. He's been doing this every night.

I don't know if it's any of my business to see what he's doing, but I am extremely curious. Maybe I'll ask him.

Suddenly, Edd sat down next to me, startling me in the process. After Edd's countless apologies, we both just sat there in silence, looking at the water. Eventually, I spoke up.

"Do you think we'll ever get off of this island?" Edd looked to the side, and glanced at me. Edd, being the optimist he is, I expected him to say 'yes, definitely!' or 'absolutely!' that's the thing about optimists, they're not fooling anyone by trying to see the glass half full. It's better to think realistically.

"I really don't know. We've already been here a week.." He said, not taking his eyes off of the scenery. I sighed, and stood up, stretching out my arms, before walking towards our makeshift shelter. Tom laid on his side, heavily breathing, and sweating. I was getting extremely worried about him.

"Tom, are you okay?" I asked, petting his hair, comfortingly. I knew Tom liked to be pet, because a while ago at the house, I was messing around with Tom, and rubbed his head, and he started making a weird noise. Almost as if he was purring. Eventually he fell asleep, and that was the end of that.

Anyways, while I was petting Tom, he was mumbling little sayings, possibly trying to explain his actions. His face looked extremely red, so I put my hand up to his forehead, and he was burning up, and he was shaking. This isn't good.

"Tom, are you okay?" I repeated. He shook his head 'no'. Okay, now I'm very concerned. He possibly has a cold, fever, or some unknown sickness. I was worriedly petting his hair, and Tom unknowingly fell asleep. I could tell by his lack of shivering, and his calm breathing. He probably has a cold, since he gave his hoodie to Owen.

Speaking of Owen, where is he? I looked around quickly, to see Owen sitting with Matt in the sand, and drawing pictures. That seems to be the only pass time around here. While I continued petting Tom, a familiar song popped into my head, and I started singing quietly.

"...sometimes you gotta bleed to know..
that you're alive and have a soul..
but it takes someone to come around, 
and show you how..
she's the tear in my heart.
I'm alive.
she's the tear in my heart.
I'm on fire.
she's the tear in my heart.
take me higher
than I've ever been..."

Tom was shuffling around uncomfortably on the ground next to me, and I decided I was singing too loud, and stopped. I shifted Tom around so he was more comfortable. Suddenly, I saw something sparkling in the sand a little ways behind Owen and Matt. I'm surprised none of them noticed it. I got up, making sure not to wake up Tom, and walked over to the object to investigate. Turns out, it was Tom's flask. I shook it around, and heard liquid inside. Tom will like this when he wakes up. I stuffed the flask in my pocket, and decided to take a walk around the island.

While I was walking, I was deeply in thought, thinking about serious things, and completely random things at the exact same time. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted, by me tripping on something. While still on the ground, I turned and looked at what I tripped on. It was the waterproof blanket that was included in the survival kit. I picked it up, and folded it neatly. Tom could probably use this blanket. Who knows it might help him get better.

I turned around and started making my way back to camp. It took quite a long time, but I eventually made it. As soon as I made it back, the first thing I noticed when I got back, was Tom sitting in the fetal position. I immediately went over to him, and pet his head. He leaned into my touch, which I thought was cute.

"Oh, Tom, I found some things for you." I said, handing him the blanket, and reaching into my pocket. He looked at me with curiosity evident on his face. I pulled out his flask, and handed it to him.

"Tord! Where did you even find this?!" I opened my mouth to answer, but he interrupted me. "Never mind, I don't even care! Thank you so much! I needed this so bad!" He said, hugging me tightly. I didn't hesitate in hugging him back. I broke the hug, and pushed him to the ground softly.

"Lay down you're sick." I said, throwing the blanket on him. He didn't argue. He laid down on the ground again, and ran my hand through his hair. He made that weird purring noise again. I adjusted Tom so his head was on my leg, instead of the ground. I decided to sing again quietly. Honestly I didn't care if Tom heard, I just wanted him to sleep. I don't exactly remember where I left off, so I'll just skip to my favorite part.

"you fell asleep in my
car I drove the whole time.
but that's okay i'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine.
im driving, here i sit, 
cursing my government
for not using my taxes
to fill holes with more cement" 

I looked at Tom, sleeping peacefully. Sometimes I wonder what he's thinking. His thoughts are probably so interesting. Just like his eyes. Just like his hair. Just like him.

"my heart is my armor,
she's the tear in my heart
she's a carver
she's a butcher with a smile.
cut me farther
than i've ever been."

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