Chapter Six

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I looked through the small contents of the survival kit on the boat. Two MREs, three gallons of water, a water-proof blanket, a pocket knife, and four small flares. Not much. If any of my soldiers packed a survival kit like this, I would shoot them on the spot.

Edd, Matt, and Tom don't know I am an army leader. They are familiar with the Red Army, but have no clue that I'm the leader. I pity them, they won't survive a week. But for me, I have much army training. I didn't get to be the leader for no reason, I am powerful!

I looked to Edd, and Matt. Apparently Matt had sea-sickness, and since the stability on the ship was better than on this dinghy, he didn't notice. While Edd was comforting a, still vomiting, Matt, I looked over to Thomas. He was sleeping, peacefully. This is the most peaceful I have seen him for... I can't even remember when. He always looks so sad, and tired. I sighed, and sat back. 

We were in the middle of the sea, with no way to get back to civilization. Edd, Matt, and Thomas for company. 

I'm going to go insane. 


I didn't like this tiny, old, boat. It rocked too much, and made me throw up! I think I finally threw up everything in my stomach, so I leaned back onto the side of the boat, weak. Edd looked at me, concern in his eyes. He's always been the person to depend on for comfort. He's just a great person.

Suddenly, I felt the small boat rock to the side, some of the salty, sea water splashing in. I almost threw up again, but I felt something small, and wet hit my nose. Another one hit my hair, I could feel it. I looked up.

Dark, swirling, clouds, right above our boat. I pulled on Tord's sleeve, he'd know what to do! He looked deep in thought, when I tugged on his sleeve, and he jumped slightly in surprise. After he was out of his trance, he glared at me. I pointed up, and he glanced upward.

"Oh no." He said, shortly. Edd looked over, with a questioning glance. "We're going to be caught in a storm, and it won't be good, at all."

Without warning, a loud boom went across the sky. Tom jolted awake, eyes white, and wide with fear.

"Wh-What's going on?" He stuttered. 

"Thunderstorm, genius." Tord said, sarcastically, and rolling his eyes. I saw Edd, in the corner of my eye, looking at them, silently.


This was not good. On top of my claustrophobia, I was scared of thunder. I was fine with rain, loved it actually, but not thunder. The shockingly loud noise, reminding me of a shotgun, which gave me bad memories. I looked around, carefully, to not arise panic. I spotted a water-proof blanket, and quickly grabbed it, wrapping it around me. I heard Tord chuckle.

"Scared, Jehovah?" He asked, with joy. I was slightly shaking now.

"N-no! I'm just c-cold!" I said, my stuttering giving off that I was lying. Tord, however, didn't question it. I wrapped the blanket closer around me. I bit my lip, to try and keep any small sounds inside.

Another boom of thunder. I bit my lip harder. The boat was rocking now, and there was lots of wind. My lip was bleeding now. I could taste the warm, metallic substance on my tongue. I closed my eyes tightly. Another explosion of sound. I got visions of my father's death in my head.


I was watching Jehovah with interest. Seems like a panic attack is coming on. I already know many weaknesses of Thomas. He's an alcoholic, he can't swim, he's claustrophobic, and he's brontophobic. What else does he fear? What makes him more upset than anything else.

I heard small whimpers coming from the scared, shaking, ball that was the Jehovah's Witness, I have grown to know. I felt pity. 

 My head was spinning with my many thoughts invading my mind. I rubbed Tom's back slowly, to calm him, and he broke out into tiny, muffled sobs. My eyebrows furrowed. I didn't really know how to deal with this.

Suddenly, the storm got worse. Rocking the boat left and right. Matt's face paled, and Tom was probably terrified now. Edd was staring blankly at Tom. I grabbed onto the sides of the boat for support.

The boat flipped, plunging the four of us into the sea. I tried pushing myself above the surface of the water, but wave after wave kept me from the oxygen I deeply needed. 

Spots of black invaded my vision. My lungs were burning. I desperately propelled myself forward. 

This wasn't how I was supposed to die! I was supposed to be killed in battle, or in a jail cell somewhere! After the crimes I've committed, drowning seems like a let down.

After a struggle, I finally gave up, and let myself pass out.


I woke up, covered in sand, and my clothes and hair were slightly wet. I sat up, and immediately didn't recognize where I was. It wasn't exactly how you'd imagine a deserted island. There were tall palm trees, sandy shores, and crystal blue waters. I stood up, and dusted off the sand from my clothes. I suddenly realized how quiet it was. I looked around for any red, blue, or purple, but to no avail. 

I decided to walk around a bit, looking for my friends. I thought I saw Matt at one point, but it was just a crab. I hope they're okay, I'd be sad if something were to happen to them. I pushed the thought from my mind, and kept walking.

I looked down at my feet while walking, and eventually ran into someone headfirst.

"Oh, sorry." I said, and kept walking. Being so used to London's crowded streets, I didn't think much of it, until they called my name.

"Edd." Said a familiar voice. I looked up, and saw Tord, carrying something, that was hidden from view.

"Tord!" I said, happy to finally have some company.

"And Tom." He said, pulling the hidden object into view, which was a coconut. I laughed. The coconut had similarities to Tom. 

Now that I think about it, didn't Tom bring a coconut to prom? Oh well, I'll ask him later..

"Should we go and look for the others now?" He said, gesturing me forward. I nodded, and started walking, with Tord by my side.

-Time Skip.


We walked around unfamiliar territory. My senses were very tuned in right now. Anything could attack, at any moment.. 

A hand grabbed my arm. I jolted in surprise, almost dropping the coconut Edd and I named 
'Little Tom'

"AAH!" I screamed out in shock. Edd quickly let go, and ran forward, sliding to his knees, next to something. Edd looked to me quickly.

"It's Matt!" He said. I ran over quickly, keeping tight hold of the coconut. Sure enough, Matt laid there on the sand, passed out.

I was slightly disappointing it wasn't Tom. After saving him twice, I felt obligated to keep him protected, and safe. I wonder why..

How curious...

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