Chapter Twelve

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Tom was finally getting better. He's no longer hallucinating, and his temperature went down from what I could tell. Hopefully this sickness is gone for good, It's hard to deal with sick Tom. It's almost worse than drunk Tom.

I was sitting on the shore of the water, running my hand through the sand. The grainy texture met my fingers as I was deep in thought about my army. Where the heck were they?! They have absolutely noticed my absence by now, it's been over two weeks. I put my hand deeper into the sand. Unexpectedly, my hand met something other than sand. I looked at my hand buried in the sand with confusion. I wrapped my fingers around the object, and pulled it out of the sand. A flare. We could use this. 

I stood up, and walked over to where Tom was sitting, against a tree.

"Hey Tom, look what I found!" I said showing Tom the flare excitedly. Tom looked up at it.

"Neat." He said. I sat down next to him, and looked at the flare in my hand. It was red. Red like me. Red like my army. My army. Where are they? 

"AHH! We're under attack!" Matt shouted from the shoreline. I jumped up, and my hand shot down to my waist where I would usually have a gun. Army reflexes. 

I looked up, and saw a gray plane. An 'M' looking shape on the side. Yes! My army! I ripped the top off of the flare, setting it off. The red flame-like sparks came out of the top, red smoke automatically coming off. I stuck my arm up, and waved the flare around, trying to catch the attention of the pilots. It worked, as the plane swerved to land on the beach.

"Yes!" I cheered. I ran over to our makeshift 'house' and helped Tom up. As Tom was standing up, I quickly picked up Owen. Owen smacked me in the face, not too hard, but it surprised me.

"I want Mom!" Owen complained. I handed Owen to Tom, and walked over to where Edd and Matt were. The plane landed over on the side of the island.

"Wait here." I commanded the other four people. I walked over to the plane, and knocked on the side. I was hit with two forces, knocking the wind out of me. Pau and Pat. Pat was crying his eyes out, and Pau was close to it. It's not everyday your son gets stranded on an island. 

"Ack! Pau! Pat!" I chocked out, getting the air squeezed out of me. They finally released me, and I could breathe once again.

"Red Leader! I'm so glad to see you!" Pat said, desperately wiping the tears out of his eyes.

"Don't call me that right now." I said waving off the nickname. This was an out of work occasion, and I told them not to call me 'Red Leader' unless we were in work environments.

"Sorry we didn't notice you were gone sooner.." Pau said, lighting a cigarette, that was bent. I looked at the cigarette. How to they always get bent?

"It's alright, but I'm super ready to go home.." I said, waving over the others. They walked over to us.

"Uh, hello..?" Said Tom, uncertainly. He shifted Owen so he was in one arm, and stuck out his hand to shake the hands of my fathers.

"These are my dads!" I said happily. That happiness soon turned into annoyance, as Pau rubbed his knuckles on my head, effectively messing up my hair. I hissed at him, and he retracted his hand.

"You don't scare me, Devil boy." He said to me, blowing his cigarette smoke in my face. I laughed, and punched his arm lightly.

"Well, let's go home!" I said, getting on the plane. 

-Time Skip.

The buzzing of the planes engine was very loud. I sat up in the cockpit with Pat and Pau, while my friends sat in the back.

"Jeez.. That island was awful.." I complained. Pau turned to look at me.

"You can take a while off of work if you'd like, just some time to relax." Pau suggested. I nodded my head.

"That'd be nice.."

"So, I forgot to ask while we were on the island, but who's the kid?" Pat asked, keeping his focus on controlling the plane. 

"I found him just sitting on the island. I think he's one of the survivors." I explained.


"Our cruise ship sunk.." Pat smacked me on the head.

"Ow! What the heck?!" I exclaimed, rubbing my head.

"You could've died! What were you thinking, going on a cruise?!" Pat yelled, taking his focus off of the controls. That ultimately ended in the plane shaking, and tipping downward.

"Pat! You're awful at flying! Pau, switch him spots." I ordered. They immediately followed my command. Turns out, Pau isn't any better. The plane didn't stay in one spot for long, as it was hard to Pau to make it stay. I growled. 

"Out!" I commanded. Pau released the controls and hopped out of the seat. I sat down, and took control of the plane. If you want something right, you've gotta do it yourself.


I saw Pau, and Pat come out of the cockpit. I thought they were the pilots..? Who's flying the plane? I handed Owen over to Edd, and stood up, walking over to the cockpit. I saw Tord sitting in the seat, mumbling angrily about how useless his pilots are.

"Hm. Didn't know you could fly, Commie." I said, sitting next to him. Tord looked at me.

"Yeah, I've known how to for years." He said, looking back at the window of the plane. Before we could get an actual normal conversation going, Edd came in, and sat in the third seat, between Tord and I.

"Wow, Tord! You're so good at flying planes!" Edd said, looking at Tord with amazed eyes.

"Um.. Thanks..?" Tord said, uncertainly. I looked out the window. There were many clouds, and we were quite high above them. Wouldn't it be cool if I could just jump out of the window, and fall through the clouds, inevitably meeting my doom? I looked at Tord and Edd, who had both stopped talking, and were looking at me.

"..what.." I said, uncomfortably.

"You said that out loud." Edd said. I hummed in acknowledgement.

"I don't think it'd be cool." Tord said, quietly. I looked at him, questioningly. I would've thought he would be cheering me on. Hm. Guess not. I looked at the sky, which was slowly turning black, and drifted off to sleep in the uncomfortable seats of the plane's cockpit.

Note to self: Don't say things out loud.

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