(ReaderxCanada) Fireworks

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“Seriously, why is it so cold?” You complained as you crossed your arms and pressed them against your chest in an attempt to stay warm. “If coldness was a person I would beat that mother fudger.”

A soft chuckle came from your left where your friend Matthew was walking along side you. You looked at him and smiled, it always made you feel accomplished to make him laugh. “I can’t make it warm but I can give you a blanket.” He said handing you a blanket that he had been holding.

Your eyes widened as you quickly plucked the fuzzy blanket out of his arms and wrapped it around yourself. “Thank you!” You chirped happily, a huge smile washing over your face as you snuggled into the blanket. Still smiling you looked at him with gleaming eyes as if you were a little kid who had just gotten a lollipop. He was already looking at you with a soft smile on his face and something distant in his eye. As your eyes met he looked away as a small blush grew on his cheeks.

You looked at him confused before speaking up. “What’s wrong, Mattie?”

“N-Nothing.” He assured you in his hushed voice.

“If you say so…” You knew there was something up with him but thought it was better not to pry at the moment.

The rest of the walk consisted of you telling stories to Matthew. One where you and Alfred had gone to the beach and you had buried him completely in sand. Another, where Francis was hitting on you so you hit him over the head with a broom. Every time you looked at him he would blush and look away, it became really frustrating.

“We’re finally here!” You announced in triumph as you stood on top of the grass covered hill still wrapped in the warm blanket. Without a second thought you plopped down on the grass, thankful that it wasn’t wet. Looking back at Matthew you patted the spot next to you. “Sit, sit.” He seemed a little reluctant for some reason but he still did as told. Why was he acting so… weird? Sighing, you stared out at red and purple sunset that was painted across the horizon. “Um, the sunsets beautiful, isn’t it?”

He just nodded his head in response.


“I bet the fireworks are going to be even more gorgeous.” You said trying to start conversation again but again he only nodded his head. “Mattie, what’s up, seriously?” You asked slightly annoyed as you turned to look at him. “Oh,” you said in realization as you took note of his shaking figure. “You’re just cold.” Scooting closer to him you gripped the end of your blanket and wrapped it around him so you were both sharing it. “Ha, you should have just said you were cold.”

He looked at you in bewilderment. “[N-Name]!?” He exclaimed in surprise.

“What?” You asked resting your head on his shoulder. He was so warm so how could you resist snuggling into him? “Hope you don’t mind.”

“N-Not at all…” His tense body relaxed just a little bit.

“Mattie, being cold can’t be all that’s wrong,” You said trying to pry into the problem more. “It seems as if you’re being distant. If I’ve done something wrong just tell me, I won’t hold it against you.” Your heart clenched at the idea of Matthew hating you. What would it be like? It wasn’t something you wanted to find out. Ever.

“N-No!” He yelped, his voice rising in volume slightly. “You haven’t done anything wrong [Name]!”

“Really?” You said looking up into his dark sky blue eyes.

He locked his eyes with your [E.C.] ones, this time he didn’t look away. “Yeah.”

You felt your face redden and had the sudden urge to turn away. Gulping you forced yourself to continue looking at him. “Okay, t-then what’s wrong?”

“W-Well…” He said trailing off at the end. “It’s nothing.”  Now he looked away and you started felling mad.

“Matthew, tell me what’s wrong, now.” You demanded as you pulled on his arm so that he looked back at you.

“[Name], it’s really nothing.” He tried to convince you even though it was useless.

You glared at him. “Now.”

He averted his eyes from yours as a blush grew on his cheeks which even with the fleeting light you could still see. “It’s just that…”

“Look at me.”

Reluctantly he looked you in the eyes. “I-I lo-“ The rest of his sentence was lost in the booming sound of the first firework going off.

“What was that?” You yelled so that he could hear you.

In response he leaned down and kissed your cheek before whisper in your ear. “I love you, [Name].”

“W-W-W-What?!” You stuttered in shock as you stared at him with wide eyes, your face completely enveloped in a red blush.

“I said-“

“I heard you.” You said cutting him off.

“O-Oh… It’s okay if you reject me, I understand.” He said shyly, his voice the saddest you had ever heard.


“I said-“

“Again, I heard you. It’s just, well…” You sucked in a large breath. “I love you too, Matthew.”

His face brightened then, the sad pitiful look from before completely gone, instead it was replaced with smile. “Really?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe it.

You nodded your head, smiling also. He then leaned in again, going to kiss you on the cheek once more when you moved your head so that your lips met instead. He tensed out of surprised for a second but fell into the sweet kiss soon after. Kissing Matthew with fireworks in the background, what could be more perfect? Oh that’s right, the fact that you were now his. 

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