Chapter 26

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up at about 2:30. I got up and went to the bathroom. I realized that Will didn't pack before we went to bed. I quietly walked into his closet and grabbed a weeks worth of clothes. I grabbed his suit case and folded everything neatly into it. I went to the bathroom and got his travel bag, which contained a brush, hair products, toothbrush, etc. I made sure to grab his GameBoy. He would die on a long trip without it. I went over to his suitcase and opened a side pocket. There was something inside the pocket, I reached in and pulled it out. It was a framed picture of me and him. I smiled. He took this suitcase with him on every trip. I turned it over and saw writing on the back, it said "You're always with me." I started to tear up. He must've put this in here when I left. I got up and went to my nightstand. I took the framed picture of Will, Carter, & I and put in in the pocket. I took the other one and set it where our family one was. Once I was done packing his stuff, I set his suitcase by the door and crawled back into bed. I tried to go back to bed when I began to doze off ,the baby monitor went off. Will sat up and started to go get him.

"Babe, go back to bed." I said.

He looked over at me and said, "No I'll get him."

"You have to be up in like 3 hours. Get back to bed." I said sternly. He laid back down and said,"Fine."

I went and got Carter. I walked downstairs, made him a bottle, fed him, changed him, and put him back to bed. When i walked back into our room Will was sleeping. I got into bed and he rolled over and looked at me. I scooted closer to him and cuddled up to him. He kissed the top of my head. I felt him doze off. Then I did the same.

His alarm went off at 5:30. He sat up groaned. He got up and went to the bathroom. I got up and made the bed. When he came out he went to his closet and got dressed. He walked out and asked,"Where's my suitcase?"

I pointed to the door,"Everything is packed." I said.

He looked at me with a grin,"You spoil me."

"I know." I replied.

"Did you pack my GameBoy?" he asked.

"Of course." I replied. He kissed me gently.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I replied.

He grabbed his suitcase, phone, baby monitor, and phone charger and we walked downstairs. Everyone was down already. There was a car waiting outside to take them to the airport. Will and I walked out side to put his suitcase in. He hugged me tight. All the guys began to get in the car. Will just stood there and wouldn't let go of me. When he finally let go, I put my hands around his neck and kissed him gently, call me when y'all land. He said,"Okay." and kissed my cheek

"I love you." He said as he got into the car.

"I love you too." I replied. Then they were off to the airport.

Could It Be? -A IM5/Will Jay FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now