Why?? Please God..

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I walked back inside, its around 3 o’clock. Wow this is such a pretty house. I turn back once more and look again at the pool, wow this pool is in nice it looks like a tropical paradise I mean it has almost everything a slide waterfall hot tub. The backward has a trampoline. It looks so pretty. 

I walk back in and I am really thirsty so I go to the kitchen and look around big and glamorous. I open a cabinet and look nope no cups. “Mom” a kid says. I keep looking nope to in that one. I open the next on hoping to find a cup NOPE. “Mom” the kid says. I keep looking No cups. God damn does this house have cups. 

“Mom,” the kid says and then I feel a tap, “Momma” the kid says. Thats right I forgot… I have kids. “Yes?” I asked. “Whats for dinner?” Aaron thats the kids name. Aaron. The youngest. “Umm, I don’t know what do I usually make?” I asked. “You usually make what ever is in the house, you make really good food.” Aaron said. 

“Um alright do you have like a recipe or something?” I asked. “EMMA!!!!” Aaron screamed. “What is it Aaron?” she says from the top of the stairs. “Can you show mom where everything is and get the cook books” Aaron asked Emma. “Sure, I will be right down.” Emma said with a big smile so I smiled back. 

“Can I like change I don’t like being dressed up.” I said. “Yes you do you only where sweats to bed, if your sick, or running” Aaron said. Who the fuck never wears sweats.  “Wow alright so where is you other siblings” I asked. 

“Well Emma is probably getting off her computer. Sophia is probably talking to Nick and Zach he is probably out side playing football with Aunt Marcy’s boys. “Who is Aunt Marcy?” I asked. I thought I only had one sister. 

“She is your best friend” Aaron said. “Could you tell me about her?” I asked. “Sure she is blond and same eyes as you she is married to Uncle Devon they have 2 kids Mackenzie and Daren. Mack is 16 and is Caylieghs best friend, Dare is Zach's best friend and is 12.” Aaron said. 

“Oh cool can I meet them?” I asked. “Well I think sure but are you still making dinner mom?” he asked me wow he is really kinda cute. “Um yes just waiting on you sister Emma.” I said. “EMMA GET YOU BUTT DOWN HERE I AM HUNGRY AND YOU NEED TO HELP MOM!!!” Aaron screamed. “Oooo wow you are loud Aaron” I said. “Sorry mom I usually am.” 

"Can I go play soccer with Lucy until dinner is ready usually I do before dinner and then you come right outside and tell me diner is ready” Aaron said. “Alright if I usually do” I said. “Thanks mom love you” he said hugging me. I just hugged back its weird saying yes or no to kids like Im the mother well I guess I AM. OOO… Weird. 

Emma walked down the stairs, “Hey mom” she said. I continued looking at the recipe book. “Momma” She said again.  CRAP!!  She is talking to me, “Hi, so what do I usually do like whats a nightly routine ?” I asked. “Well you cook dinner and then help with homework and talk then spend time with dad” she said. 

“So tell me about you” I said to her. “Well my full name is Emma Jenn I’m 13 years old and I hang out with my friends sometimes, I am smart I read my favorite color is purple. Im really close to Aunt Marcy” she said. “What is Aunt Marcy like?” I asked. 

“She is your best friend really sweet really cool!! She isn’t  so down to Earth and all. Mackenzie her daughter is Sophia’s best friend.You would be good friends with her again.” She said. 

“Well she sounds nice at least” I said. I mean she does I guess i don’t know this is just so hard for me why can’t I remember I only remember that one thing with Aaron. 

“Would you like Aunt Marcy to come over?” She asked me. “Umm well does she have a family?” I asked. “Yeah Uncle Devon, Mackenzie, Daren” she said. “Oh thats right your brother Aaron told me.” 

“So I will call them why don’t you pick a recipe” She said to me. Emma said to me, my daughter wow daughter weird saying that. “Okay” I said. I walked and sat back down, Okay so what I am going to do is open the book and if it lands there thats what I am going to make. 

I closed my book and then BOOM! I opened a page, It landed on Chicken Parmesan. Okay thats what I am going to make that with chopped potatoes and green beans. 

“Mom did you pick something” Emma said. Wow this looks so good actually. “Mom” Emma said. Ugh thats me I always forget. “Okay yes sorry yes Chicken Parmesan with potatoes and green beans.” I said. 

“Sounds great” Emma said. 


“Hi” Zach said as he opened the door. “Whats up man” Daren said. “Nothin moms makin chick park.” Zach said. I was in the kitchen but could still hear everything. Trent came down and lightly put his hand on my back, "Baby there here.” Trent said. “Okay just can you put this on the table” I said. “Sure lets go meet them” Trent said. 

He grabbed my hands which I looked down they are small as freak. So he walked to the door, “Marcy Dev whats up thank you all for coming” Trent said. 

Woah I know her as soon as I saw her face its like my brain remembered something…

I just can’t remember why… We sat down and ate everyone seemed to like it. It went good I think. “Why don’t you come over tomorrow” Marcy said. “Um alright” I said. They left and I went up to my bedroom. Trent came in, “So I am going to sleep in the guest room” he said. “Okay” I said he leaned over a kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.

He is so adorable just please god if I believe in you and even if I didn’t I will just please let me remember things please.

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