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"Welcome to In and Out Burgur! What can I get you today?" The lady was brown haired and blue eyed she was pregnant and seemed to be pretty perky. When she looked up her eyes went wide! "Josh Holloway? Oh My God can I have your autograph? I love your shows that you are in ESPICIALLY lost. Oh I am sorry you probably hate to be bembardened with questions." She said.

I rolled my eyes god cant my parents ever be treated like normal people? Then dad spoke up, "No No No its fine I love my fans. I really do. Here is autograph." Dad grabbed a napkin and a pen out of his pocket and sighned his name. "Can I have a salad with ranch on the side." I said. "I will have a number one." Dad said. "That would be 12.50 and you will be number 103." The lady said. Dad handed her his credit card she swiped it and gave it back to him and then said, "Thank you again." Dad then said, "Anytime."

"Why would you just order a plane salad? I drove more than an hour for that?" Dad looked at me like I was crazy. "I wanted to know if you cared that much to talk to me to drive that long." I replied with. "I would do anything for you Freakles ANYTHING even driving more than an hour to get a plane old salad."  I smiled. "Dad?... I love you." I said. "I love you too Cay." He said then he pulled me into a hug. I missed him so much. 

We sat down and ate our dinner. We sat on the patio, it had picnic benches. Dad and I sat across from eachother. He then spoke up, "Do you remeber when.. I told you, if you EVER are in that awkward situation then play 20 questions. Well I think that it would be a good way for us to catch up." "You go first" I said. Then i took a bite wow i really do hate salad! 

"Do you REALLY forgive me?" He asked... Then he looked down and took a breathe. Of course I dont forgive him, he really did abandon me, he told me i was a mistake. But he is trying and I need to just tell him that i think its all good. "Yes, it took convincing but I do." Okay maybe i do forgive him. I just want my dad! I really do, i just want a relationship with him. He stopped seeing me cause of his crazy bitch wife. That wouldnt let me see my own dad probably becuase she was worried that my mom would get back together with him. But he never stopped. He never stopped calling me. I think he wanted his wife he wanted to have a happy family with Yessica. But when Yessica hit Hunter which I still have no idea why? He finally left he got ahold of his life he took the kids and left to see me and mom. 

"Was Yessica controlling?" That was my question thats what i wanted to know. "Its not that she was controlling she was just really threating like she was well is an alcholic. She drinks all the time! I really hate it thats when she hit Hunter. She was so drunk off of her ass. I didnt leave sooner cuase well she was really threatning like i said. Becuase i do a lot of filming she always said that if i ever went to see you again she would take the kids and run and that she would get full custody cuase i am never around. Which i come when i can its just i do filming cause well im good at it and thats how i provide for them its not like she does anything. So when she did hit hunter i took the kids and i ran to come and see you and your mom cause well she will never get the kids now thank god." He said.  

Oh my god. I feel so bad for my dad. Now he is a single dad. And has to raise these kids on his own they dont have a mom anymore i doubt dad would let Yessica come and see them after she hit Hunt. I feel bad for Java and Hunter its just a bad situation all together. At least they will have there dad in there life but they wont have there mom which is sad. Then i said, "Oh Dad Im so sorry about all of that.".

Then he said something that i will never forget, "Dont be look where it got me, Im having dinner with you." 

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