Okay, so I just took the SAT not too long ago. For those of you who don't know what it is, the SAT is a four-five hour-long test that everyone who is 'college-bound' is required to take in the US. Colleges determine based on those scores more heavily than your actual GPA...and I find that to be complete and utter bs
But siriusly, like, my weighted GPA is a 4.6, my unweighted is a 4.0, which means I have straight A's. Five out of my seven classes are either AP or dual credit, which are both college level and treated as such.
So, please explain to me how me getting an average test score is more judged that getting phenomenal grades?! Like I've held perfect grades for three years straight and I get nothing??
Oh, and riddle me this...the sections I failed on are things I was neVER TAUGHT?!!!! LIKE?!!!!
aLsO, the test came to be $74!!! S E V E N T Y - F O U R D O L L A R S!!!
The test itself was $45ish. To get my detailed score and to write the essay cost the rest.
Collegeboard...wHy dO i hAvE tO pAy fOr a tesT THAT I DONT WANT TO TAKE AND UNFAIRLY JUDGES?!
I had to pay for it myself and I work at a pizza place...long story short, I'm broke asf and the last thing I want to do is pay for a dumb, useless score.
Anyway, I didn't do AWFUL...I got my scores back and earned a 1190 out of 1600. Like, that's not bad but I won't get any scholarships from it and I won't be accepted into some colleges. It's a mediocre score for my "type of student".
Oh, and get this, my friend who is wayyy more studious and driven than me got a 1060 on it...um...?!
The school she wants to go to doesn't accept that low of a score. Mind you, she wants to be a wildlife biologist, so i highly doubt knowing how to find the perpendicular equation and its solution of the slant asymptote given is going to help her or show her many strong abilities.
And yes, that was actually a question. It was #9 on section 3 - the no-calculator math portion - to be exact.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that standardized testing is complete and utter bullshit and should NOT be required or even given at all. It does NOT determine a student's eligibility for higher education, nor should it determine their intelligence.
Sorry this is irrelevant, but school is really stressing me out rn and finals and UGH!
Anyway, thanks for reading. I've gotta ask though, what's been your experience with standardized testing?
Advice, Rants, and Random Shiz
DiversosWant some guidance with writing? Advice? Well, you're in the wrong place, but I guess I'll try catering to you.