Thanksgiving! How to deal with unbearable family members!

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So we've all had this issue, right? Things are great with the fam until BAM! Politics! Or racism! Or ignorance!

It be like that.

No, but really, I feel like it's a common issue, and I've gone through it myself. Whether it be Thanksgiving, Christmas, or really any get-together, it can be difficult to teeter on the line between being submissive or being a sassy sister.

Here are some tips

(NOTE: any politics/views mentioned are not to attack anyone's opinions...please don't get angry. Like for example, in the first chapter of my first book, I mentioned I'm American but I hate Trump. It started a shit show and people got angry. I'm not trying to do that here. This is all shits and giggles, and I'm using the most widespread issues where I live, it's an easy example for me.)

~Bring up safe topics~

For the love of god, PLEASE don't give an invitation to argue! Tensions will get high and things will get awkward

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For the love of god, PLEASE don't give an invitation to argue! Tensions will get high and things will get awkward. I understand it's tempting, but it's not worth it. 

Yes, I wish I could have a whole table of people ranting about Trump, racism, and the education systems with me, but not everyone shares the same views, and you have to respect that, regardless of your own.

Ask how the fam is, ask if they're excited for the holidays, compliment the food. But for the love of god, DON'T say, "Hey, Martha, I know you're an avid Trump supporter...but he's a moldy tangerine and I wish he'd get deported."

Just. Don't.

~Change the topic/dismiss~

This can be difficult, especially if the person is obnoxious and doesn't know how or when to shut their mouth

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This can be difficult, especially if the person is obnoxious and doesn't know how or when to shut their mouth. 

The best way to not make an argument get out of control is to simply ignore and cease it. I do this all the time at my job.

I work with some Trump supporters that have a tinge of racism. My heart breaks every time I hear them express opinions (that are hurtful, in my opinion) as if they meant nothing.

 The second they try to include me once they notice I disagree, I simply say, "I'm not going to be a part of this." They continue and I say, "It's pathetic that you're picking an argument on politics with a liberal 17 year-old." 

It works. And then I go to the walk-in freezer where nobody can hear me and scream in frustration.

ANYWAY, the point that I'm trying to make is put out the fire before it becomes more than a spark.

~Hold your tongue~

It may seem difficult, but don't give in to their childishness

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It may seem difficult, but don't give in to their childishness. I'll give another example.

So I'll be straightforward. I date a black guy from a Muslim family (I couldn't care less about his color or background). I also have cousins from the boonies in Iowa. They're obviously a bit...yanno, not as accepting. They don't know that I date him, and it's probably for the best.

As much as I want to yell when they say something that's racist, I either change the topic or leave the room. There's no use arguing or fighting back, I've tried it before and some people's opinions just can't be swayed.

Be the bigger person. Realize that THEY are the close-minded ones, and that it's okay to not always fight back. YOU know what's right, and that's just more power to you...right?


Hopefully this was helpful. To the Americans here, have an awesome Thanksgiving! Please stay safe, eat safe, drive safe, and have a good, warm day.

To all the others, hope your day is great, and that the holiday season is good :)

Since it's festive, here's a pic of me and my boyfriend, giving a TURKEY right after a marching band competition.
You know, like when someone's trying to give you a high-five and you put your fist to their palm and yell "Turkey!". No, okay :')

I know, the cringe is for real, and we look like total tired losers

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I know, the cringe is for real, and we look like total tired losers.


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