Chapter 9

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[A/N]: I LOVE YOU GUYS. REALLY I DO. ALL OF YOU READING THIS. I. LOVE. YOU. Over 1000 reads?! It's not a lot compared to others, I know, BUT TO ME ITS A LOT. Because I didn't think anyone was ever going to like this story! I REALLY have to start updating more! I wanna keep you guys with me FOREVER. ITS THURSDAY... just a late Thursday. I'M SO SORRY. I LOVE YOU ALL. I REALLY DO.

The second I knew Liam was on break,  which was around 2PM, I called him from my cellphone. Zayn had gone to work, but Niall only had a weekend job, and was stuck at my flat watching me storm around angrily.

"Harry?" Liam answered on the first ring.

"Louis," I snarled.

"Uh... oops," was how Liam responded after a moment, instantly realizing that Harry didn't have my phone.

"Yeah, oops!" I hissed. "Why didn't you make him take my phone? He could be off work by now and walking home," I stalked over to the window and threw open a curtain. "And it's pouring down rain outside!"

"Listen, Louis!" Liam soothed. "Just use Niall's car, go to Harry, and see what time he gets off."

"I'm going to kill him," I snarled. "He probably remembered, he just didn't want to bother you and ask where my phone was."

"Louis, killing is never the answer," Liam sighed. "I'll be off in about an hour, so I'll swing by the SpeedyMart and see him then, okay?"

"No, I'm going to use Niall's car, and I'm going there now," I  said firmly.

"Can I come?" Niall bounded up from his spot on the couch excitedly.

"I'd rather there not be any witnesses," I said menacingly, hanging up the phone with Liam before saying goodbye.

"Don't kill him," Niall said pleadingly. "I like his fajitas... and he's pretty cool, too."

"We'll see," I held my hand out towards Niall. "Keys."

"My car is across the street at my flat..." Niall said hesitantly, digging into his pocket.

"I have legs for a reason leprechaun," I snapped impatiently.

"Okay, okay!" he whimpered, face becoming fearful as he tossed his keys at me.

I ignored my coat that had somehow gotten hung on the rack even though I'd tossed it to the floor carelessly the afternoon before, and stomped out of the flat towards the lift. Once I had entirely made it out of the flat building and into the heavy downpour, I stormed down the sidewalk and across the street. I savagely stabbed at the unlock button of Niall's keys as I reached his car. It probably wasn't the best idea to drive angry, or confront Harry angry either, but I didn't care. Basically because I was angry.

I peeled out away from the flat and onto the street, threw the car into drive, and floor-boarded the gas pedal. I flipped on the windshield wipers as rain assaulted the glass. I hadn't even bothered to buckle, just muttered angry things to myself as I drove.  About halfway to the store, I saw a curly haired figure hunched over as they trudged through the rain. I slammed on the breaks, making the tires squeal loudly. I squinted through the sheets of rain pouring down the window, assuring myself the curly haired person was my curly haired person. The person had taken notice of the car, and began walking a tad more frantically. I cracked the window, shouting out it.

"Get your arse in the vehicle, Curly," I snarled.

He froze, "Louis?"

"No, It's Morgan Freeman," I bellowed sarcastically.

The boy was then dashing through the rain, yanking open the door and flinging himself into the passenger side seat, his teeth chattering violently, "No offense, but your voice isn't as nearly as seductive as Morgan Freeman's."

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