[A/N]: ELLO MY GOOD PEOPLE xD I've got so much free time lately, so I'll just CONTINUE writing like the productive person that I am not. Yeah. OH and if I ever confuse you guys at some point just holla at me in the comments, and I deeply apologize. I mean, I've got it in my head so sometimes I don't cover some stuff because I know it already... so I think that you guys know it too... I'm the dumbest brunette ever, I swear. Yeah. On to chapter 15.
[Louis' P.O.V]
In the ambulance, I quickly realized that my panicked mind had over looked some of Harry's more obvious injuries. His left eye was clearly bruised, and looked slightly painful. Harry literally clutched at my hand the entire way to the hospital. At the hospital, we had to separate so they could unload him out of the back of the ambulance, and they almost didn't let me go back with the curly boy. Not only did it upset me when a male nurse placed his hand on my chest at the double doors leading down a hall to wherever they were carting Harry off to, but it made Harry rocket up off his gurney, throwing all of his blankets off of him.
"No, stop!" Harry wailed as he helplessly reached for me. "I want him!"
"You can see him later, lad," another nurse said to the frantic curly boy.
"No, now!" he demanded.
"Just let me go with him!" I begged. Not only did I hate seeing him upset, but considering I could've lost him after just finding him, I didn't exactly want him out of my sight just yet.
"Whatever," Harry finally said, weakly shoving away hands as he tried to get off the gurney. His teeth were chattering again now that he wasn't covered. "I don't need a hospital anyway."
I pushed past the nurse blocking my path and rushed to Harry's side, placing a hand on his shoulder to gently push him back down onto the gurney, "Easy, babe... they're gonna get you some dry clothes and help warm you up."
"I'm scared," he pushed himself back up off the gurney to bury his face into my chest. I simply stroked his still damp curls that stuck out from under the beanie he'd been given and rubbed soothing circles against his soaked back.
A lady nurse who had been examining us finally sighed in exasperation, "Let the Superman shirt boy come along. Curly here won't calm down unless he does. It'll save us the sedation. Can you give us the boy's name and your name, lad?"
"He's Harry Styles," I told them. "And I'm Louis Tomlinson."
"Thanks... now release the hug you two have going on so we can take him to his room," the nurse raised her eyebrows.
"Right," I tried to pry Harry off of me, but he simply shook his head.
"Harry, love," I said fondly. "If you let go of me for a few seconds they'll let me go with you."
The curly boy reluctantly released his grip and pulled back slowly, his green eyes examining mine carefully. He looked so innocent and terrified that I had to fight the urge to pull him back into my arms. Another lady nurse pushed Harry back into a laying position, almost roughly.
"Hey," I snapped. "Easy with him. He's clearly a bit delusional considering he was unconscious about thirty minutes ago."
Harry simply reached for my hand, yet they started moving his gurney down the hall again with me walking right on their heels. I was attempting to make sure Harry could still see me so he didn't get scared. Something about Harry's actions told me that he really didn't like hospitals. The nurses carted Harry into a room before all but one of them departed. The nurse that stayed handed Harry a gown and a pair of fluffy socks.

Never Knew I Needed - Larry Stylinson AU
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson didn't need anybody. If he didn't need anybody, then he didn't have to care for anybody in return. And that's just how he liked it. He had three close friends, and that's all he'd allow. Until Harry Styles came along and ruined every...