[A/N]: I just want you all to know that your comments make me so happy xD Also, sorry it's taken me longer to update than usual... you know... play practice and all that. BUT I'M TRYING! HOWEVER. LITTLE THINGS?! CAN I JUST SAY, HNGHHS! Alrighteh, so this chapter will switch P.O.V's in the middle of the chapter... cause I got about halfway done writing it in Louis' P.O.V, only to realize it needed to be in Harry's. By the way... I'm not really sure where my mind was at when I was writing it. Some parts are just a bit... awkward? Not extremely awkward... just... Well you'll see. So yes... I'll just let you go ahead and read now. BTW. Chips = Fries... if you didn't know that.
"Louis..." fingers ran through my hair before gently prodding at my cheek. "Boooobeaaar..."
"Mmm," I mumbled, realizing that the curly boy I'd fallen asleep with like normal, was awake and probably bored. Lips pressed to mine, and I chuckled against them. From what I had learned about my Hazza, he was never one to pull away from a kiss first, so I was forced to sit up so we could both get some oxygen into our lungs, "Morning," I chuckled breathlessly.
"Finally you're awake!" Harry said, throwing his long arms up in exasperation. "I woke up at six and you've just been dead to the world for the past four hours!"
I rubbed my eyes in confusion, "It's ten o'clock already? Have you eaten?"
"Didn't feel like getting up," he shrugged. "Wanted to stay here with you."
"Is Niall still here?" I sighed.
"Well unless there's a stranger in the house, then yes," Harry nodded.
"Why didn't you go have him give you food?" I flopped back down, pulling the curly boy with me, and cuddled him to my side.
"Haven't we covered that already?" Harry nuzzled his face into my neck.
I laughed, "So you need some food... other than that... what's the plans for today? I know I said I'd get a job... so should we go do that? We were gonna do it yesterday, but I got distracted."
Harry pulled back slightly to look at me, his eyes lighting up, "Would Liam's car be here? Or would he have taken it?"
"He most likely walked... why?" I gave him a confused smile.
Harry shot out of my arms suddenly, "Can we go driving? Please, please, please, please-"
"Hazza!" I laughed, sitting up and kissing his cheek. "If you'd give me a few seconds to answer I'd say yes."
Harry crawled from the bed excitedly, tripping over his own feet and catching himself on the dresser. I stared at him, amused, as he dug through my drawers. He grabbed some jeans, tugging them onto his boxer clad self. He found a Pink Floyd t-shirt next and yanked it over his head. As he finished dressing, he looked to me and huffed in frustration, turning back to the dresser to dig clothes out for me.
I rolled out of the bed laughing, "Go find food, love. I'll grab my own clothes, shower, and we'll go."
"Shower?" he groaned.
"It'll be quick!" I promised. "See if Niall wants to tag along so he doesn't stay here and eat all our food."
After showering, dressing, and leaving the bathroom, I was practically tackled to the floor by a curly boy, "Let's go driving!" he cheered, suddenly pressing his nose to my chest and sniffing rapidly, "Hmm... you always smell so good."
"Are you a puppy now?" I chuckled, running my fingers through his curls.
"A kitty," he replied, pushing his head against my hand and making a sound of approval, quite similar to purring.

Never Knew I Needed - Larry Stylinson AU
FanficLouis Tomlinson didn't need anybody. If he didn't need anybody, then he didn't have to care for anybody in return. And that's just how he liked it. He had three close friends, and that's all he'd allow. Until Harry Styles came along and ruined every...