[A/N]: I got several comments on the last chapter xD Maybe I should do cliff hangers more often! NAH I'm merely jesting... MAYBE. Well anyway here's the next chapter, because it might kill you guys to not know whats going to happen next, BUT YOU GUYS NOT KNOWING KILLS ME TOO! I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU WHAT GOES THROUGH MY MIND. I admit, the Larry drama Sunday may have punched me in the gut a little BUT I HAVE RETALIATED. Now before this note gets too long, this chapter will probably change P.O.V's a few times... however many times my mind finds necessary pretty much. Yeah. Let's do this poo.
[Louis' P.O.V]
Not only had Harry irritated me by putting back the money I'd given him, but I soon found my cell phone, the one he should've taken with him, sitting on my pillow. As soon as 2PM rolled around, Harry Styles was going to be a dead curly boy. He wasn't going to get off the hook for ignoring my wishes this time. I angrily stormed the flat doing pointless things, like changing my clothes about three times, until around 1:20ish I finally just called Niall.
"Could you maybe come pick me up and take me to the store?" I said into my phone through gritted teeth.
"Oh dear... not Harry... angry Louis... so... Harry's store, I'm assuming?" Niall asked slowly.
"No," I hissed. "Ryan Seacrest's store."
"Well that doesn't sound too bad..." Niall admitted until I snarled and he quickly added, "Pick you up in five?"
"Yeah," I hung up the phone and angrily stuffed it into my pocket.
I decided that standing in front of the flat building was probably the best move for our flat's interior design. Liam wouldn't be very appreciative if a wall accidentally ran into my fist. I simply stood in front of the flat and glared at Niall and Zayn's flat building. After about ten minutes I decided I could just go sit in Niall's car and wait for him since he was taking forever. Just as I'd crossed the street and reached his car door he came sprinting out of the flat.
"Sorry!" he panted. "Couldn't find the keys."
"Let's just go pick up Harry so I can strangle him, yeah?" I sighed, climbing into the passenger seat.
Niall hopped into the drivers seat and pulled out of the flat's parking space and onto the road. He rambled to me about some recipe he'd read about on the Internet. I was just going through ways I could make sure the curly boy always took my phone with him. Niall drove surprisingly fast, and we made it to the store about 1:45ish.
"Are you gonna go in and find him, again?" Niall asked me as he parked the car in front of the store.
"Might as well," I unbuckled and climbed out. "I want him to know that I'm not happy with him."
As I walked into the store, Mr. Bettany and I ran right into one another as he was walking out. Mr. Bettany, who was slightly taller than me, managed to stand his ground and catch my wrist to keep me from toppling backwards.
"Sorry there-" he paused. "Wait...You're Harry's friend, right?"
"Louis," I nodded.
"Right..." Mr. Bettany pursed his lips. "Well, do you know if Harry is prone to skipping out on his job? It's only his third day here, and I mean... he's been a good employee so far it's just..."
"Did he not show up today?" I interrupted in surprise, a bit of worry racing through me. I'd seen him leave the flat with Liam... Liam would've made sure he got here safely.
"He came to work," Mr. Bettany assured me, and I calmed a bit. "He just left about five minutes ago without telling me. One of our cashiers, Marge, tells me he carried groceries out for a man and then just never came back in. He seem's like a good kid, and something just doesn't seem right."

Never Knew I Needed - Larry Stylinson AU
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson didn't need anybody. If he didn't need anybody, then he didn't have to care for anybody in return. And that's just how he liked it. He had three close friends, and that's all he'd allow. Until Harry Styles came along and ruined every...