Chapter 12

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[A/N] Hiii.... Sorry I've been a failure!  A right lazy slacker, too! UGH. Sorry, sorry... OKAY...Well in this chapter... I am completely making up Lou's family. I mean... this is obviously AU. You already know that Harry's mom died and his dad left. ALONE. ANYWAY. HERE WE GO.  THANKS FOR READING. HOPE YOU LIKE IT.

"That isn't at all what they're saying!" Niall groaned, pulling at his hair in frustration.

I was chuckling whilst Harry was curled up in a ball next to me laughing hysterically. He was clearly getting a kick over the fact that Niall actually knew what was being said considering he knew a decent amount of Spanish, and that we were basically ruining the show for him by adding our own plot.

"At least we got the name's right," I offered the blonde boy.

"Whatever," he sighed.

"I still think Juan's mourning over his hamsters death," Harry gasped out through his laughter.

"You're about to meet your own death," Niall snapped at him. "And no one will be there to mourn!"

I glared at Niall, but Harry didn't seem too offended. He simply laughed even harder if that were possible. I grinned affectionately at the curly haired boy who was hunched over almost against me, clutching his sides as he laughed. He'd been laughing for so long now, I was actually becoming concerned about his oxygen intake. At that moment, Zayn walked through the door.

"Zayn! Save me!" Niall gasped. "This curly kid here wont stop laughing at me!"

"Oh yeah?" Zayn's eyes flashed mischievously.

"Zayn..." I warned, as Zayn approached Harry and I.

Harry took one look at Zayn, and burst into laughter again. Zayn lunged for the boy, grabbing him around his waist and throwing him over his shoulder as if Harry were a sack of potatoes. Harry had been in this situation before, and didn't even bother clinging on to Zayn. He simply continued laughing as his upper torso hung limply down Zayn's back and his curls fell into his face. I, however, was not as okay with Harry's situation.

"Put down the Curly!" I bellowed.

"Okay," Zayn released his grip slightly, causing Harry to slide towards the floor. He gave a slight yelp through his laughter, but Zayn quickly caught his legs. The boy was now eye level with Zayn's bum, and he was balanced by his hips on Zayn's shoulder, yet he still laughed.

"How is he still so amused by this?" Niall chuckled.

"Careful Zayn!" I warned. If he accidentally dropped Harry, I'd probably have to beat the hell out of him. Then again, Harry would probably just fall to the floor and continue laughing.

"What?" Zayn taunted, swaying slightly so Harry's torso would swing around as he hung limply.

"Don't drop him," I hissed.

"Oops!" Zayn yelled playfully as he released his hold on the boy again. I let my hands fly up to cover my eyes, but Zayn managed to catch Harry with his curly head inches from hitting the ground.

Harry chuckled out, "If I'm not returned to a normal right side up position, I'm probably going to pass out. I can feel the blood rushing to my head."

Zayn eased off his grip on Harry's legs, letting him slide slowly onto his head before releasing him entirely. Harry toppled over completely onto the ground, curling into a ball again as he continued laughing. I nudged at the boys foot with my own, leaning over him carefully.

"Are you alright?" I asked anxiously.

"He's obviously fine, Lou," Zayn rolled his eyes. "Over protective, fool."

Never Knew I Needed - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now