Chapter 24

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[A/N]: PARDON ME WHILE I BEAT MY HEAD AGAINST A WALL. School is just... it's very stressful for me at the moment. It's calmed down, I'll admit. I got an 8-10 page paper out of the way, and THAT'S a huge relief. I just need to get the play I'm crew for out of the way. Saturday is the last performance... tonight is the first big performance, and as much as I would love to update like... twice a week like normal, and I'm going to say something that I've been saying quite frequently here lately, AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. So I apologize for being a loser... I hope you guys stick with me... Still Louis' P.O.V. Away we go.

The most unpleasant way of being woken up is to be dragged from your bed by your shirt. Yet, that's how I woke up after the lads and I spent our first night in a hotel since we now had the chance of a crazy man coming after my curly boy. Still slightly disoriented from sleep, I let out a yelp as I collapsed onto the hotel floor. Anyone staying in the room below ours probably thought I was being murdered, and to be honest, I thought I was going to be. However, I quickly realized I was safe when a familiar voice hissed into my ear.

"You were quite sassy to me last night, Tomlinson," Zayn snarled as he pinned me face down to the scratchy hotel carpet.

"Get off," I groaned.

"Make me," Zayn said, and although I couldn't see his face I knew he was smirking. "Oh wait. You can't."

"Zayn," Liam sighed, and I figured he was across the room seated on the end of the couch, which still contained a sleeping Niall, as he watched the telly.

Zayn ignored him, digging his knee into my back, and I yelped in pain, trying to squirm away.

"Zayn! You're going to paralyze me!" I gasped.

"What are you doing to him?" Harry, who was apparently awake now, wailed from above Zayn and I.

"Attacking him while he's at his weakest," Zayn said simply. "And guess who won't do anything about it? You!"

"Stop being an arse, Zayn!" Liam scolded.

Before Zayn could respond, there was a slight cry of determination from above us, and Zayn gasped. His weight that had once been crushing me into the floor, suddenly vanished. I sat up quickly just in time to see Zayn, who had at once been tackled by Harry, rolling both of them over to press Harry into the similar state that I'd been in. However, he appeared to be trying to stuff the poor kid under the bed. The curly kid was no match for the raven haired lad, and he simply gave slight pained noises.

"No!" I snarled, grabbing Zayn by the back of his t-shirt and yanking. "Stop, you're hurting him."

Anger coursed through me, and I shoved Zayn forcefully onto the ground before scrambling on top of him so I could pin him to the carpet.

"Damn," Zayn cursed in defeat. "Liam help!"

"You dug that hole, you can get yourself out of it, Malik," Liam scoffed.

I decided to let Zayn up, but only so I could go to the aid of Harry. The curly haired kid was trying to sleepily pry the half of himself that had been stuffed under the bed, out from underneath it. I fought a smile as I stood, grabbed him under his arms, and pulled him to his feet. He was still wearing the same clothes from the day before, like the rest of us, and I ran my hands gently over his torso, "You alright, love?"

"How's your spine?" he asked in a concerned tone without answering my question.

I chuckled, seizing his face in my hands so I could press a kiss to his forehead, "You're too adorable."

Harry blushed but suddenly bit his lip nervously, "Louis... about last night."

"Hmm?" I replied, pulling the curly kid with me to sit on the bed. I kept a close eye on Zayn, who was now pouting on the other bed.

Never Knew I Needed - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now