Part 11

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Sweet peas POV
Erika leaves and next thing you know a big car hits her and I run to her side and open the car door and try to get her out.

I pick her up and I see the ambulance come and I ride off with them. I fucked up this bad that I might lose my princess. Stay strong sweets she is a strong girl,she will make it,Erika is strong. I notice a tattoo on her hand and I hold it and It was cold.

We got there I was still holding her hand and then the doctor comes out of no Where "sir we can take care of her from here"he says and takes Erika away from me and I sat in the waiting room md I started to cry. I felt two arms around my shoulders and I saw Toni and the gang "sweets she will be okay i promise she is strong."tony said and i see Tessa my girlfriend walk in and laugh "what's so funny"I say angrily because she always does this when Erika gets hurt or something "it's funny how she might not make it"she says and laughs again and toni slapped her in the face and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her outside.

The doctor comes out "Erika leanos"he says and I looked at him and he walks towards me and puts his hands of my shoulders "ok we have good news and bad news, so the good news is that she is alive and healthy and the bad news is that she is in a coma at the moment we will keep up with her and make sure she will wake up"he says and after he said she was on a coma I started to panic "may I see her please"I say and he nods "her room is 208"he said and walks away.

I walk towards room 208 and once I got there I open the door and I see her laying there with tubes everywhere and she looked pail and her hands were on her sides and I walk over to her bed and I hold her hands into mines and start to cry again, I'm not the time a person to cry but I will cry for this girl and love her and I'm only dating Tessa to her over Erika but I can't after 5 months of not seeing my princess I needed to find her and After FP told me we're she was I got so happy but I didn't expect her to be mad and sad about it.

"Erika my princess, I'm so sorry about everything and I'm sorry about ignoring your calls when you needed me the most, please wake up I need you, we all do. Your the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of it with you and have kids together in the future and die together, please wake up for me"I say and cry more and lay my head on her lap while holding her hand into mines.

2 weeks later
Erika's POV
I can't move even if I tried I can't, I can only hear. I want to move my mouth and talk I want to wake up and hug my sweets because I heard what he told me. If I only can wake up and see everyone.

I kept trying to move and I finally did it I moved all I need to do is open my eyes and see my sweets. As I open my eyes I see everyone sleeping and I try not to wake sweet pea because he is sleeping on my lap and holding my hand. I try to move and grab my phone and I felt something move and I see sweet pea wake up and he looked at me and started to cry.

"Erika baby"he says and hugs me and I hug him back and cry into his shoulders and once I let go I see everyone wake up "oh my god Erika"fangs says and hugs me and kisses my head "I miss you so much sis"he says and I was shocked at what he said "sis"I say and he looked at then at everyone and they left the room except sweet pea. "Well Erika this is gonna freak you out a lot and I'm sorry mom hasn't told you but I'm your twin brother and I know that your probably gonna freak out about this but Julian aka your dad is not your dad and out father passed away when I was only eight and I was raised by sweet peas family, the reason why mom hasn't told you was because she was scared that you were going to freak out and leave and never talk to her again"he says and I hug him and sob in his shoulders.

"I knew I was missing something"I say with a smile and he hugs me again and sweet pea joins in "Well now we have two fangs now"sweet pea says and we laugh "so are you coming back to riverdale"fangs asked me and I sigh and look at him "I don't you guys i love it here in greendale and I love riverdale to hell but I have a house here and a job I can't give it up"I say and sweet peas face lit up "how about we move with you cuz we are having problems over there I'm riverdale jughead and Archie ran away, Betty is in the sisters of quiet mercy and we lost the south side due to a bunch of gouhlies and we don't have no we're to stay at so how about we stay with you"sweets says and I started to think maybe they should.

To be continued

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