Part 34

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I woke up to see Kurtz still sleeping, I heard someone barrage in as Kurtz shot up, I see FP and jughead walk in "what the hell"I said covering myself with the blanket "Erika what are you doing here, we have been looking for you all night"jughead said as I grab my bra and underwear "can y'all you know look away for I can change for fuck sake"I say as they all turn around "change to Kurtz and pack up we are leaving"he nods as he changes, after I put on my underwear and bra, Kurtz passes me an oversized shirt as I put my shoes on.

"You can look now"I said as he turns around "Erika let's go"FP says as I scoff softly "or what your gonna call my mom, I'm a grown as woman I can take care of myself"I said as I see her walk in "hey Erika"my mom says as I roll my eyes "I'm not coming home after what you caused, after what you did, Tessa is so upset with you too so I recommend you to fucking leave and get out of my way so I can go home"I say as I grab Kurtz hands and push her out of the way "Erika can we at least drop you and Kurtz of at your place"FP sighs as I look at him "Okay fine but if you try to do anything else I will sue"I said as we walk to FP's car.

as we were in the car I had my head laid in Kurtz shoulders and jughead was sitting next to me, I saw my mom kept looking at me as I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my phone and texted the bands group chat.

Drama queens group chat
E:hey there is gonna be practice today
P:alright see you at your place and we need a new guitarist
Z:yup glitz left the band because she wants to work on her own stuff
E:fuck then I guess I will talk to Jesse if she can take glitz place
P:that's for sure because everyone loves her, dude like how can someone that good can have a lot of people loving her
E:idk but I will talk to her,I gtg, Kurtz is moving in with me
P:okay see ya later

After I texted the group I realized I was at my house, "thanks for the lift now see yah"I said as me and Kurtz got out of the car, "Erika can I see Tessa"my mom says as I look at her "well mom i have full custody of her so no"I said as I walked inside "Erika I'm sorry for everything I have done to you and your sister, I'm sorry I'm not a perfect mom, I'm sorry that I couldn't love you, I'm sorry that I didn't treat you right, I'm sorry"she says as I turn around "mom you never even had the audacity to even say sorry many years ago, you never even noticed that I got arrested and never noticed that I'm in a band, you've never noticed, never"i yelled "you missed Tessa's 8th birthday because of that asshole of a guy who I thought was my dad, you forgot my 15th birthday and I had to celebrate it by myself, where were you when I needed you, where mom tell me"I yell as tears spill out of my eyes, I see Tessa come out as I put her behind me "I'm sorry Erika but I'm here now"she says as I scoff "wow that's all you got to say, I'm asking where the hell were you when I needed you"I say as I walk up to her "I was in drug land Erika, I was doing drugs behind you and your sisters back"she yells as I flinched and backed away.

"Your a sick fuck and I don't want to see you again"I scream as i grabbed Tessa and Kurtz inside. I kicked the door as I see Tessa run up to her room. I fall to the floor as Kurtz pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest as he strokes my head as I heard Tessa scream, I ran to her room to see her throwing a picture she had of me and her with mom when she was 3 and I was 5. She saw me and I pulled her into a hug "I can't believe her Erika I thought she was just going through a hard time with Julian but no she's a drug addict and I hate to see her yell at you like that"she says as I kisses her head "you are never gonna see her again and I promise you that"I said as she nods as I left her room to cool of.

I decided to get changed so i decide to wear this

I laid on my bed as Kurtz walked in, he laid on the spot next to me as he pulls me into a hug

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I laid on my bed as Kurtz walked in, he laid on the spot next to me as he pulls me into a hug. I laid my head in his chest as I heard his heart beat. I sighed as I felt my phone vibrate, I look as I see that it said sweet pea. I had to answer.

S:hey Erika i need you help
E:umm sure what is it
S:so you know the girl I went to prom with
E:yeah what about her
S:I really like her and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend so what do I do
E:umm ask her like how you asked me
S:ok thanks I will let you know how it went
E:okay bye

What the fuck.

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