Chapter 1

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Kiki's POV
Today was like any other day.
I got up, I got ready, I pushed Kakashi out of his bed, literally, I ate, and I went on a walk. And like always on my walk I felt someone watching me. I don't know who, it's been like this since I was in the academy. I knew it was a male but that's all. His chakra smelled like wood. Yes I can smell chakra it's rare, not even Kakashi can do that. That's how I made the Anbu with Kakashi, besides my supernatural strength that rivals Lady Tsunade's. Now I'm in charge of the whole Anbu. When I'm not on missions for the Anbu I'm with my old team. Genma and Gai. Kakashi quit the Anbu to become a sensei. He actually just got his first team today. I'm gonna drop by for their bell test tomorrow.
"Kiki," A voice called as I made my way to the Anbu Headquarters.
I turned and saw Genma. My face lit up as I waved at him.
"Hey Genma," I smiled.
"The Hokage wants us," He said.
"Why wasn't I notified?" I asked.
"I don't know," He said.
We both took off to the Hokage. Once we got there he knocked on the door.
"Come in," A deep and old voice said.
We entered and kneeled before the Hokage.
"Stand," He said.
We stood before him.
"I have a mission for you two," Lord Third said. "I need you two to retrieve a scroll. You will be meeting be them at the bottom of the mountain. This is an A ranked mission, be careful. You leave immediately."
So we did just that.

The mission was a success as usual. Genma wasn't as talkative as he usually is.
"Genma are you alright?" I asked him as left the Hokage Mansion.
"What? Oh yeah I'm fine Kiki," He said.
"Well I'll see you later I'm going to scare Kakashi's new Genin," I said.
"Wait I'll come with," He said.
"Alright come on," I said.
We went to were we had our bell test. There stood a boy with blueish hair and midnight eyes, a boy, who I assume was the Lord Fourth's son, with blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes, and a girl with pink bubblegum hair and green eyes, along with Kakashi.
"Yo Kakashi," Genma called out.
We dropped out of the tree we were in and scared the Genin.
"Kimiko, Genma," He scolded.
We laughed at him. I caught the Genin staring at us.
"Aww you guys look so cute. Oh I can't wait to have kids," I squealed.
I saw Genma and Kakashi shake their heads at me.
"What?" I said.
"Only you Kiki," Genma said.
"You two can't tell me that you don't want kids," I said shocked.
They looked down and said, "Maybe one."
"That's what I thought," I said. "Now what's your guys names?"
"I'm Sakura Haruno," Bubblegum girl said.
"I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI!!!" The blond screamed.
I looked at Kakashi and he gave a slight nod.
"And you?" I asked the other boy.
"Hn Sasuke Uchiha," He said with absolutely no emotion.
"Nice to meet all of you I'm Kimiko Hatake but call me Kiki," I said.
"Are you related to Kakashi Sensei? You look a lot alike," Naruto said.
"We're twins," Kakashi said.
"You moron how couldn't you tell?" Sakura said loudly.
"They even wear the same mask," Sasuke said.
"I wonder what they look like?" Sakura said.
"Trust me it's not easy getting them to take those mask off. Some of our friends, including me, when we were in the academy made it out mission to see them without them on. We failed, miserably," Genma said.
"Who are you? Kiki's boyfriend?" Sakura asked.
We both blushed but they couldn't see my face.
"No we're just friends," I said.
"That's too sad you two would make a great couple," Naruto said.
I smiled at him as I rolled my eyes.
"That's what our friends say all the time," Kakashi said.
"What?!?!" Genma and I asked.
"Pretend you didn't hear that," Kakashi said.
"No way in hell who said it?" I demanded.
"I can't tell you," He said quickly.
"I'm going to kill you," I yelled and jumped on him.
I was hitting him when I heard laughter. I looked at saw Genma, Sakura, and Naruto laughing while Sasuke smirked.
"Please Genma get her off," Kakashi pleaded.
"Nope you asked for it," He said as I went back to beating my brother up.

Genma's POV
I loved how Kiki could hold her own in a fight.
"Hey you three come here," I said.
The Genin came to me.
"I need your help I want to ask Kiki out," I said.
Sakura squealed loudly.
"Shhh," I said. "Pretend to laugh."
We laughed as Kiki turned her head towards us. Kakashi asked for help but I wasn't going to help him.
"Alright here's the plan," I began telling them the plan.

Kiki's POV
"OKAY IT WAS GAI, ASUMA, AND IBIKI!!!" He screamed finally.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it," I said sweetly.
He pushed me off of him and I fell onto the floor.
"Hey Kiki, would you go shopping with me," Sakura asked.
"I would love to," I said. "Bye guys," Sakura said.

Today's the anniversary of my fathers death. I don't do anything today. No one bothers me. I got the Hokage to grant that for Kakashi and I.
"Kimiko it's time," Kashi said.
I nodded and we walked to our father's grave. When we got there I sat down like I've been doing for over 10 years now. At once I felt the man's presence watching us.
"Kashi," I said.
"Hm?" He said.
"I miss daddy," I said beginning to cry.
He knelt beside me and placed his arm around my shoulders.
"Me too," He said.
I cried like I do every year. Something about this is made me cry harder than usual. I'm not a person who cries very often.
"Brother why does it hurt more than usual?" I asked like a little kid.
"It's well actually I don't know," He said.
"Will it ever stop hurting?" I ask.
"No but the pain will became less painful as we get older," He said.
"I don't believe that. If it was true I would feel better. It's been more than 10 years and it hasn't faded one bit," I said.
"I guess we'll have to see what the future brings to us," Kashi said.

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