Chapter 3

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Kiki's POV
I was smiling like a fool when I got home. I opened the door and was greeted by Kakashi waiting there tapping his foot.
"Hello brother," I said smiling at him.
I closed the door and took off my mask. His came off too.
"Tell sister did he kiss you without permission?" He questioned me as I walked to my room.
"No," I said.
"Do you love him?" He asked me.
"Why all the questions?" I ask him softly.
"I just want to make sure he hasn't hurt you and never will," Kakashi said.
"Thank you Kakashi, and yes I do love. I've loved him since the academy," I said truthfully.
He smiled at me and patted my head.
"Father would approve," He said.
My eyes widened and I asked, "He would?"
He just nodded and tears of happiness fell from my eyes slowly. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug which I returned. If father approved then he must be the guy.

Today was mine and Kakashi's birthday. I was so happy. I was 26 now and I was going to make the most of it.
"Kakashi wake up it's our birthday we got stuff to do," I said jumping on his bed like a child.
"Kimiko, let me sleep," He whined putting his head under his pillow.
"No you lazy ass wake the hell up," I said.
"Go bug Genma," He said before groaning as I jumped on him.
"I'll bug him later for now I want to bug you, you're my twin," I whined.
He sighed and sat up. I hugged him happily and got off of him.
"Get dressed we're going out," I said happily.
I went and got dressed then skipped downstairs. I met Kakashi by the door and he opened it for me. I walked out and he followed me. I was a smiling fool that everyone smiled at.
"Happy birthday," Was told to us by everyone.
I was happily skipping by Kakashi when arms circled my waist. I was stopped and I smiled. Wood is what I smelled. A sweet kiss was placed on my neck.
"Happy birthday, you too Kakashi," Genma said.
"Thank you, now that she's in your hands, literally, I can go," Kakashi said and with that he vanished.
"That asshole he was supposed to spend the day with me," I pouted.
"You got me now," Genma said happily.
"Yup," I said and turned.
I kissed him sweetly on the lips before pulling away.
"Come on I want to show you something," He said grabbing my hand.
We walked through town and into the woods.
"Where are we going?" I asked him.
I've never been in this part of the woods before.
"It's a surprise," He said turning towards me smiling.
I blushed and let him drag me through the woods. He stopped suddenly and I walked into his back.
"Sorry love," He said.
He got behind me and placed his hands over my eyes. I placed my hands on his and felt his lips brush my neck. I shivered slightly under his touch. I felt him chuckle and he nudged me forward slightly.
"Do you trust me?" He asked me quietly.
"Of course," I said.
"Walk forward," He said.
I did as I was told. I trusted him more than I trusted most people. When we stopped he took his hands off of my eyes slowly. I gasped when I saw the view. It was gorgeous field purple flowers and a tree in the distance. I walked through the field and to the tree. Genma was right behind me. I smiled and saw the sun setting.
"Oh Genma, it's amazing," I said.
"Love can I see your kunai," He asked.
I nodded and gave it to him. He went to the tree. He was craving something into the tree. He went slowly and was doing it very precisely. When he was done he showed me what he did. It said, Kimiko + Genma with a heart around it. I smiled and looked at him. He gave me a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I love you Genma," I said to him.
"I love you too Kimiko," He said.
He backed me up against the tree and put his hands on either side of my head. He pressed his lips against mine gently. I kissed him back and put my hands on his torso. He placed his forehead against mine after pulling away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long box.
"Happy birthday," He said.
I opened it and in it was a gold locket with the words love written on it.

"Open it," He said

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"Open it," He said.
I opened it and in it on one side was Genma and me. On the other was my dad, Kakashi, and I together. Tears sprung to my eyes instantly at the sight of my father.
"Genma," I said suppressing a sob.
"I asked Kakashi to look around for a picture of you guys and this is what I got," He said looking down at me.
I looked at him and tears poured down my face. I hugged him tightly and he took the necklace. He put it on me and smiled at me.
"Thank you Genma," I said smiling.
"Anything for you," He said.

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