Chapter 2

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Kiki's POV
As the day went on Kakashi and I stayed by his grave.
"Ki let's go home," Kashi said.
"You go ahead I'm gonna sit here for a little longer," I said.
"Okay be careful," He said hesitantly.
He left me alone with father. The feeling of someone behind appeared and I whipped around.
"Genma," I said with a sigh. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard crying and I knew what today was for you and Kakashi so I came to comfort you," He said.
He sat beside me and held his arms out. I basically threw myself into his arms and cried.
"It's okay Kiki, I'm here for you," He said.

Genma's POV
Kiki finally stopped crying and just sat there in my arms. I always loved how she was so warm, kind, and beautiful.
"Genma?" She said quietly.
"Yeah," I said.
"Will you take me home?" She asked.
"Anything for you," I whispered before taking her home.

Still Genma's POV
It's been a week since I got Sakura to take Kiki shopping. Sakura told me that Kiki got a beautiful kimono. She said that it was red and gold and went to her mid thigh.
"GENMA!!!" A voice screamed and then someone was on my back.
It was Kiki.
"Kiki?" I said surprised. "I thought you were on a mission?"
"Not anymore I'm back," She giggled and hugged me.
I pulled her off me and hugged her.
"I've missed you," I said.
"I missed you too," She said hugging me.
"Hey Genma," A sluty voice said.
We both turned and saw my ex, Hanako. She had short red hair and ugly brown eyes. She had a square shaped face. The dress she was wearing was extremely short and showing way too much. Her chest was basically out of her dress.
"Who are you?" Kiki asked.
"I'm Hanako Genma's girlfriend," She said.
"Hanako get the fuck away from us, now we broke up over 2 years ago," I growled out pulling Kiki closer to me.
"Why should I? Everyone knows that you're in love with me," She said coming slightly closer to me.
"No, I don't love you, I love someone else," I said.
"Oh yeah and who is that?"

Kiki's POV
"Kiki, I'm in love with Kiki," Genma said without hesitation to Hanako's question.
"What? Nope I don't believe you," She said.
Genma gave her a look before pulling my face to his and pulled my mask down. Before anyone could see my face he kissed me with love, passion, and want. I kissed him back with everything I've felt for him since the academy. We heard shirking but didn't care.
"Finally," We heard.
Genma pulled away and pulled my mask up. We turned and saw Kakashi, Ibiki, Asuma, Gai, Iruka, Anko, and Kurenai. Kakashi was giving Genma a look.
"Kakashi it's not what it looks like," Genma began but Kakashi stopped him.
"Genma, buddy, friend, listen to me. If you ever even think about hurting her I'll break you in half," He said before they walked away.
Genma was pale and his eyes were wide. I grabbed his hand and took him to his apartment. When we were inside I sat on the couch and took my mask off. He already saw my face.
"Did you mean it?" I asked.
"Yes," Genma said.

Genma's POV
"I've been in love with you since we met. When I first saw you, you were with Sakumo and Kakashi. You were clutching onto Sakumo's leg and holding Kakashi's hand. Your long silver hair was to your mid back and your black charcoal eyes shined happily. You looked amazing even though I couldn't see your face. I knew that I loved you then. I also knew that I would live you til the end," I said.
Kiki looked at me with surprise and shock. She looked so gorgeous without her mask. She already looked beautiful with her mask.
"Genma," She began but I cut her off.
"I know that you probably don't love me," I said.
"Genma let me speak," She said.
I stopped and sat beside her.
"I've been in love with you for such a long time now. I never knew that you loved me back. I always thought that you loved me in a best friend or sister way. But I'm really happy that you love me," She said.
I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back instantly. I moved her to where she was on my lap. Her arm wrapped around my neck and mine wrapped around her waist. Our kiss got passionate until there was knocking at my door. Our little make out session was interrupt and I was not happy about that. I sighed and kissed her again before moving her off of me. She put her mask back on when I opened the door. There was no one there.
"I should get going before Kakashi flips out," Kiki said.
I turned to her and nodded slightly.
"I guess," I said.
She pulled her masked down slightly and kissed me. It was gentle and sweet.
"Oh and tell Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura that their good at acting.
I flushed slightly and laughed nervously.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I said.
"I can smell chakra," She said. "Yours smells like wood, Sasuke's smells like Tomatoes, Sakura's smells like wild flowers, and Naruto's, oddly enough, smells like ramen."
I blushed bright red and she giggled.
"Bye Genma," She said.
"Bye Love," I called after her.
After she was out of sight the three idiots came out of their hiding place.
"She can smell chakra, damn it I forgot about that," I mumbled.
"Congratulations, Genma," Sakura said.
"Yeah you two will be good for each other," Sasuke said.
"YEAH, YEAH, BELIEVE IT!!!" Naruto said loudly.
"Thanks for the help," I said.
"So when's the wedding?" Sasuke asked.
"Sasuke way, way to early," I said. "Go he you three."
"Alright bye Genma," The three of them said.
I closed the door and smiled. I finally got the girl of my dreams.

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