Chapter 5

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Kiki's POV
Everything froze. Kakashi was beyond shocked. Genma didn't know what to do. Sasuke didn't like the sound of that. Sakura was frowning deeply. While Naruto was well Naruto.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MARRY?!?!" Naruto yelled.
"YOU CAN'T MARRY OUR SENSEI!!!" Sakura yelled.
"There is no way in hell I'll let you marry my girlfriend," Genma growled.
"No one is aloud to marry my sister," Kakashi said.
"For once I agree with Sakura and Naruto," Sasuke said standing in a defensive stance in front of me.
"QUIET!!!" The King yelled over everyone. "Now, son, as amazing as Kimiko is we cannot allow you to marry her."
"And why not?" He asked them stubbornly.
"Because she is not a princess in any way, shape, or form," The Queen said.
"So what," He said. "I want her and I want her now."
He made his way towards me when everyone got in front of me.
"OVER OUR DEAD BODIES!!!" They yelled at him.
I still couldn't believe this kid wants to marry me and he was so straight forward about it.
"Step aside," He growled at them.
"Everyone move," I said.
They looked at me shocked. I looked at the King and Queen and they gave me a nod. They read my mind. I walked up to the prince and looked at him.
"Prince Aragon as much as I like you, as a friend, this can't happen. As your parents said I'm not a princess and I'm not single," I said.
"I don't care, I will have the guards kill Genma so I can have you," He said.
I glared at him for threatening something like that. I slapped him, hard. Gasps came from everyone but the King and Queen. They both nodded in approval at my actions.
"If you ever threaten to kill him again, I will not hesitate to kill you," I snapped. "Do I make myself clear?"
He nodded in fear still holding his cheek. Sebastian walks in and looks at the scene in front of bim.
"What'd I miss?" He asked.
"Nothing big, only Kimiko putting Aragon in his place," The Queen said.
"Did he request to marry her?" He asked.
"Yep," The King said. "I'm not surprised by his actions. He always acts so innocent in the beginning."
"That was all an act?" Genma said.
"Of course it was," Prince Aragon snarled at Genma.
"Can I make a request as well?" Sebastian asks.
"Go ahead," The King said.
"Can I marry Sasuke?" He said.
Naruto burst out laughing. Sakura fainted and almost hit the floor if Kakashi didn't catch her. Sasuke's jaw fell to the floor. Genma chuckled and so did Kakashi. I was with Naruto though on the ground dying from laughter.
"I'M NOT GAY!!!" Sasuke yelled.
"You're not? You could have fooled me," Sebastian said. "With all the sexual vibes you send Naruto."
"HEY HEY I'M NOT GAY EITHER!!!" Narrow screamed.
"You could have also fooled me," Sebastian said.
I laughed even harder.
"This is too good," I said.
"Okay team-," I interrupted Kakashi.
"Uhh bitch are you in charge?" I asked placing a hand on my hip.
He rolled his eye and huffed.
"Okay team let's move on out and back home," I said.
I put my arm through Genma's and then we set off.

"So Kiki are you gonna quit the ANBU to be a sensei?" Kakashi asked half way home.
"I'm still debating," I said.
"Well the Hokage told me that there's three genin who never got a sensei," Genma said.
"Wait Kiki sensei I didn't know you were in the ANBU," Sasuke said.
"I run the entire ANBU, Sasuke," I said.
"WHAT?!?!" Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto yelled.
"AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA GIVE THAT UP?!?!" Naruto screeched.
"I'm thinking about it. I've always wanted to be a sensei," I said.
"It's up to you love," Genma said.
I nodded and started thinking really hard.
Should I leave the job I've worked for my whole life just for a dream? I have everything I want already. What more could I ask for. Then it hit. My father had always said I would make the best sensei ever. That's what made me want to become one in the first place. I know what I'm gonna do.

Once we got home I went straight to the Hokage with the mission report and to tell him my answer.

Kakashi's POV
I watched as Kimiko basically ran to the Hokage building.
"Come with me," I said to my team and Genma.
We ran after her but went to the roof. We sat outside of the window which was slightly open. A knock could be heard and the Hokage saying come in. I heard Kimiko begin to talk.
"Lord Hokage the mission report," She said respectfully.
"Thank you Kimiko, now down to business, what have you decided?" He asked her.
We all leaned closer impatiently waiting for her answer.
"I thought long and hard over my choices. Then I remembered something my father told me. He told me that I would make the best sensei ever and I recall wanting to be a sensei ever since, so my choice is yes. I resign as the ANBU Leader to become a sensei," She said.
I saw the ANBU in the room come out of their hiding places trying to reason with her but she wouldn't have it.
"Well then if that's your choice then so be it. From here on Kimiko Hatake is no longer the ANBU Leader but a normal Jounin and a sensei. I have a team for you. You can meet them tomorrow. Here are their files and I will have ANBU tell them to meet you at, which training grounds would you like to claim?" He asked.
"I would like training ground 17," Kimiko said.
"Alright you heard the lady go," The Hokage said. "Now Kimiko you are dismissed and tell Kakashi, his team, and Genma it's not polite to eavesdrop," He said.
"Of course now you idiots get off the roof and get home," She said suddenly sticking her head out the window.
My team nearly fell off the roof.
"Sorry love," Genma said nervously rubbing his neck.
"Yeah sorry Kiki sensei," Team 7 said.
"Sorry sis," I said.
"It's fine but never do it again," She said closing the window.
"Alright you heard her everyone go home," I said.
They all left and so did I.

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